Category Archives: Gardening

How to garden with comfort, ease and simplicity

Late Bloomer

With much gratitude, I am excited to share Late Bloomer is now available for purchase! My wonderful publisher, St. Lynn’s Press, is offering 10% off Late Bloomer + FREE shipping on their website! Click here==> to purchase a copy and use CODE: latebloom10 at checkout.

Late Bloomer is packed with practical, hands-on tips and techniques for gardeners of all levels. P.S. the holiday season is right around the corner, Late Bloomer would make a lovely gift or stocking stuffer!


Late Bloomer: How to Garden with Comfort, Ease and Simplicity

Late Bloomer: How to Garden with Comfort, Ease and Simplicity

Sustainability in the garden

Many years ago I planted a ‘Hakuro-nishiki’ dappled willow in my landscape. Last year I remember cutting into it and feeling a bit guilty. I do not like removing healthy trees or shrubs unless it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, I kept reminding myself that I had spent way too much time trimming, pruning, bagging, and tying up unwanted branches!

My small suburban yard does not allow me to grow trees or shrubs that require constant pruning. But more importantly, it was the sustainability factor that finally pushed me and the small overgrown tree over the edge. The amount of waste this willow produced in one season was exhausting and goes against everything I believe and stand for–sustainable landscaping and gardening practices.


When I drove into the local waste and recycle management facility to dispose of the wilted willow piled in my trailer, I knew my decision was for the best. Tons and tons of waste is poured into this facility on a daily basis; it is beyond comprehension. I visit the site often to dispose of yard waste for Two Women and a Hoe® and appreciate everything the facility offers, contributes, and is committed to.

Fortunately, our individual practices can play a major role in a vital process, too! One rather simple element of sustainability is creating as little waste as possible. As gardeners, there are opportunities to achieve this goal during the planning process by selecting the right plant for the right place. Educate yourself on the growth habits of new shrubs and trees before deciding to plant them! Shrubs that require constant pruning create a lot of unnecessary waste. I can attest to that! The next time you go plant shopping, pay close attention to plant specifics so that constant pruning does not become a constant practice.

Remember, a carefully thought out garden design and making informed plant selections will reduce the amount of waste your landscape and gardens generate through maintenance. In the end, sustainable practices in the landscape and garden will save you time and money, and serve our planet well!

Two Women and a Hoe® is passionate about sustainability and believes that together we can make a difference! When we know better, we do better.

Two Women and a Hoe

Daylilies, gardening, and old friends

Gardening is a profound metaphor to life. I have toiled in many different gardens through the years and each has taught me something new. Perhaps you have similar experiences when you become one with nature. For me, it is truly a gift. I hope to garden for many more years – it’s what I love, it’s my passion, it’s my old friend. ✿✿✿

old-friends-daylilies-gardeningJAB Signature

Dr. Martens’ victorian flowers boots

These BOOTS are made for digging!

We recently posted these awesome Dr. Martens’ boots on our Facebook page and our friends went crazy! Seems everyone, including me, fell in love with these feminine and functional garden boots!

The temperatures are very cold in Michigan and gardening is a few months (or more) away. However, I will gleefully and patiently wait for my new boots to arrive! In the meantime, think spring!

P.S. If you happen to order yourself a pair, please post a picture!

dr. marten garden boots

 May all your gardens grow,


Gardening and giggles

It’s true, laughter is the BEST medicine! According to the Mayo Clinic, “When it comes to relieving stress, more giggles and guffaws are just what the doctor ordered.”

Thank goodness for gardening, we all know it lends itself to much joy, laughter, and giggles!  Garden on, Friends! ✿✿✿


May all your gardens grow,

The Implant Lady™ – Fun Garden Art!

The Implant Lady™ makes a BLOOMING joyful statement wherever she goes!

Simply hang her on a favorite wall, fence or gate, or prop her up in the GARDEN. Add whimsical interest by changing her pots each SEASON. She LOVES to mix it up – the possibilities are ENDLESS!

Her unique and quirky silhouette holds two (2) 4″ flower pots. She is proudly and lovingly made in the USA from 100% RECYCLED steel. She will age nicely over time (like the rest of us) and develop a rusty, patina finish. Spray a rust inhibitor if you want to keep her shiny and new!

Measures 18″ x 23″ Pots not included.
ONLY $47.99 FREE shipping!

The Implant Lady™ is a MUST have! ✿✿✿



 May all your gardens grow,
Jan ✿✿✿

Do you feel like we do?

Unlike past years, we are all experiencing extreme weather! What use to be referred to as ‘cold and snowy’ is now called ‘polar vortex’.  We even saw a map indicating a majority of us are living in ‘Hoth’ regions!

The weather is tough on everyone AND especially tough on us gardeners. So, here’s our question: do you feel like we do?!?

In the meantime, think SPRING! ✿✿✿

gardening in snowJAB Signature