Tag Archives: Edible

A Guest Post from Kelly Guerin – The Art of Seed

Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night.

~Terri Guillemets

Over a year ago I met Kelly Guerin on Twitter.  She was a fun and excitable Peep who LOVED gardening and was interested in becoming an entrepreneur.  There was an instant connection between us!  She and I talked a bit about starting a business and things one might expect during the journey.  I admired Kelly’s ambition and drive; juggling motherhood, a full time position, and a passion to start a business can be challenging!  

Just a few weeks ago I learned that Kelly made her dream a reality!  She recently launched a COOL online heirloom seed company named The Art of Seed.   I adore these kinds of stories and asked Kelly if she would write a guest post for us.  It is my honor, pleasure and delight to share a bit more information about a wonderful young lady who said YES to herself! 

Thank you Kelly for sharing your journey with US!  We wish you ALL the best!  Now, here’s Kelly:

My whole life has been spent in the garden. I started growing Cosmos and Hollyhocks in my grandma’s gardens, then transplanting Impatiens in my parent’s backyard, and now creating small intimate vegetable gardens for friends and family — gardening surely is my calling!

My absolute favorite part of gardening is being creative and adventuresome with the many types of heirloom, vegetable, and flower seeds available. There are wonderful stories to be told about all of these plants but the best stories are the ones created when growing them. My 3 year old son calls the Red Zebra tomato the Yellow Lion!  I lovely assure him to call it whatever he wants!  Together, we plant, water and pick tomatoes; gardening brings so much joy to my soul!

The Art of Seed has been a dream of mine forever. Raising young children puts life into perspective so I know when I’m not spending time with them I better do something I truly enjoy!  Launching my own business affords me the opportunity to share my excitement with others. It is my mission, through The Art of Seed, to bring that same joy and passion to others around the world!

Here are a few of my tomato favorites!

 Green Zebra Tomato

Mortgage Lifter Tomato

Purple Tomatillo

Federle Tomato

Be sure to visit Kelly’s website, The Art of Seed, and check out the gorgeous merchandise!

May all your gardens grow,

Happy Valentine

Love would never be a promise of a rose garden unless it is showered with light of faith, water of sincerity and air of passion.

~Author Unknown

Fill. Plant. Grow!

When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden. 

~Minnie Aumonier

Despite the frigid Michigan zone 5b temperatures, gardening lives on 365 days a year in my world even when I am indoors!

Greeted with a cold gush of air in the dead of winter, can you imagine how delighted I was to discover The Little Acre™ ?!?

Here’s what I love about The Little Acre™:  It is truly so simple and convenient to set up.  It has multiple uses and appeals to a very large audience!  So perfectly designed to engage and encourage growing!

Follow these simple steps to start gardening:

1. Unfold the bag, set it in a sunny place, fill it with 10-11 cubic feet of  soil/compost combo

2. Plant your favorite veggies, herbs, berries and flowers – seeds or plants

3. Water!

Yep, it’s that easy.  For me, it is perfect for growing herbs!  Until spring arrives and warmer temperatures, I will patiently wait and develop my planting strategies!

 May all your gardens grow,


Dig, Plant, Mark, Grow!

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Brilliant!  Imagine purchasing organic seeds packaged in snazzy bold colors with corresponding wooden spikes identifying its contents!  An innovative student at Vancouver Island University designed these very COOL plant markers that scream TURN-KEY operation!  I love how growing for home gardeners keeps getting easier and easier!

May all your gardens grow,