A Garden Hoe™ Give-Away

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We are excited to offer our first Garden Hoe™  Give-away!  Please leave a comment below and let us know what type of Garden Hoe™ YOU are!

Using a random number generator on March 2nd at 12 midnight EST, one lucky Hoe will receive a Garden Hoe™ Exclusive from our Boutique! The Winner will be announced March 3rd at 9:00 a.m. EST!

Happy HOEing, Friends!

Flip Flippin' Hoe

Travelin' Hoe


Sportin' Hoe

Chillin' Hoe

Bottoms Up Hoe

Thirsty Hoe

May all your gardens grow,

761 thoughts on “A Garden Hoe™ Give-Away

  • By Cheryl Maulin - Reply

    I am a CHILLING HOE!!! All the way around. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tee’s! Long and short sleeve. Add some nice comfy bottoms and I am set!

    Thank you for the give aways!!

  • By Rhonda Cunningham-Phillips - Reply

    I’m a little of everything mentioned, but I would say I’m a Chillin Hoe. I love the T-Shirt, and your page! Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!

  • By Debra Nettleton - Reply

    Flip Flippin’ Hoe

  • By Lisa D - Reply

    Being that I am in FL I have to say I am a flip floppin’ hoe.

  • By Jackie Lozowski - Reply

    I’m a get down and dirty hoe!

  • By Kim Roberts - Reply

    I’m a busy, old hippy hoe! I love the dirt, the smell lets me zone out, all my worries just disappear. I’ll wear my flip flops unless I have to dig a hole. I end up filthy dirty and hubby just laughs at the sweat and mud on me, especially my face!

  • By Elizabeth Colvin - Reply

    I’m a flippin’ chillin’ thirsty hoe! I would absolutley LOVE to win one of your Hoes!

  • By Sharon Douglas - Reply

    I’m a ho, ho, ho, hoer. Nothing can make me happier than working in my gardens

  • By Vickie - Reply

    I love the Flip Flops – that is my style!

  • By Leslie Nyholm - Reply

    I’m a thirsty hoe!

  • By Marilyn Penrod - Reply

    I’m a chillin’ hoe. 🙂

  • By Carla Murphy - Reply

    I’m a flip floppin, thirst, chillin, garden hoe. Guess you could say I’m an all in one hoe. By the way, I love this site!

  • By Lura Ann - Reply

    Quiet Hoe

  • By Lane Recker - Reply

    I am not your every day hoe. I am a unique hoe and very durable. I adapt to all weather and all seasons. I am rarely out of my gardeners hands but if I am I can be found right outside the back door.

  • By Angela Watson - Reply

    I am new to this hoeing…therefore I am very interested in your photos and merchandise. Never have won a contest before, so we shall see. Good luck with your new venture!!

  • By Nancy LaSalle - Reply

    I am a Chillin’ Hoe up here in New York…burr i need long sleeves to keep me warm.

  • By Alicia Key - Reply

    Thirsty hoe. We carry DeWit specialty hoes !

  • By Monica Konyar - Reply

    I’m a “trial & error” kind of gardener. I’m happy to try just about anything and treat every failure as a learning experience.

  • By Jacqueline Rothschuh - Reply

    I’m a dirt lovin’ hoe.

  • By Tammy - Reply

    I am that pretty new hoe you just had to buy cuz it was sooooo cute.Like the matching wheelbarrow. Bright pink and Lime green. I am the type of hoe you really dont want to use cuz they are so cute, but feel extra greenthumb-ish when you do ps I just love all of your post’s

  • By Willow Rock - Reply

    I am a wholesome hoe that just loves to play in the dirt and who has a high respect for Mother Nature and her glory

  • By Patty Hicks - Reply

    Jan thanks for doing the very fun giveaway. I am a Chillin’ Hoe love to hang out with friends in the garden, grazing on fresh garden grub. Nothing is much sweeter than sharing the garden with friends.

  • By Shirley Hull - Reply

    I’m certainly a “bottoms up” type of hoe; always on my knees & butt in the air; takes most of the winter to clean/re-grow skin/smooth off callus’s from my knees.

  • By Judy Fairlamb - Reply

    I’d be thrilled to be a sportin’ hoe, but it was a tough choice, all the hoe’s are great!

  • By David Bettin - Reply

    Im a VINTAGE HOe…and we love two women and a hoe your friends at Once in a blue moon David and Jonathon

  • By Jennifer Lawrence - Reply

    I am a little of all of them, but I love to travel! So, Travelin’ hoe it is!

  • By Becky - Reply

    I’m a Water Bottle Hoe!!
    Keep hydrated & sweat & work outdoors!
    Love to be OUTSIDE!!

    • By Becky - Reply

      Should add: Taught our 5 kids to love gardening…not that they really LOVE the work but I know they all appreciated the great experiences we had!
      And since it’s my birthday today – same day as George Frederick Handel…well maybe it’ll help me be a winner? hehe

  • By Teresa Glisson - Reply

    I’m a Palmetto Hoe…..because I’m from the Palmetto State and we love to hoe here!

  • By Nancy Jordan - Reply

    Love your ideas

  • By LuAnn Schindler - Reply

    Flip floppin’ hoe…. definitely!! Can’t wait to get out in the dirt and get something planted. 🙂

  • By Wanda Mattos - Reply

    I’m a Travelin’ Hoe. I have used my hoe in California to South Carolina to Brazil and back. This Travelin’ Hoe call the beautiful Palmetto State, home.

  • By rachel myers - Reply

    i think im with my friend jennifer, but i think im more like my friend patty hicks.. and i love her reply, but i am a true “hoe” cuz ill plant anywhere and everywhere i can if i can get away with it(and at times, even when i cant!) LOL 😛

  • By rachel myers - Reply

    im sorry if i wasnt clear, travelin, chillin hoe! 🙂 tired tonight after getting the beds ready..

  • By Robin - Reply

    I’m a sportin hoe. I sport a scuffle hoe most of the time.

  • By Michelle Williams - Reply

    I dream hoein’ beauty , flowers and veggies everywhere.

  • By Michelle Williams - Reply

    I dream about hoein’ Flowers and veggies oh my.

  • By Gregg Rice - Reply

    I’m a go-with-the-flow but never say no steel-toed day-Glo late for the show regular joe show me the dough let it grow say no mo’ hoe!

  • By Dorylyn - Reply

    I be a junkin 4 a livin hoe!

  • By Penelope Warner - Reply

    I’m a travellin hoe, collecting things to put in my garden at home.

  • By Anne Pagliaro - Reply

    I’m a little bit of each…but I would have to say ‘flip flippin hoe’for the most part… thanks for the fun & the giveaway…! you’re the best!

  • By Lisa - Reply

    Being a GROWING Hoe, Makes me a thirsty hoe. 🙂 Thanks!

  • By Sharon Turner - Reply

    I am sho a traveling hoe! Haha. I am a happy hoe fo sho! I am also a thirsty hoe fo sho. It foe sho gets hot here in the South! Oh well, I guess I am a well rounded hoe fo sho!

  • By Christine - Reply

    I like the Chillin Hoe and love your websites ideas!

  • By Lore San Juan - Reply

    I’m a diggin’,mulchin’,rakin’,waterin’, down & dirty, always sunny garden hoe! 😉

  • By Valerie Dittman - Reply

    I would be the Thirsty Hoe , after doing all the Flippin Travelin, with the Sportin Hoes whom are usually Bottoms-up I would be Chillian cause I am the Thirsty Hoe ! 🙂 🙂

  • By Jill - Reply

    Right now I’m a dusty hoe…..can’t wait for spring

  • By Morella Ann Bareham - Reply

    A Garden Hoe by any name,
    all will know
    she’ll find her fame,

    Wearing heels by day,
    work boots by moon,
    weekends come,
    and the garden to swoon.

    Love lay beneath,
    the soil beckons,
    tools become
    the passion reckons..

    Sun shines upon the Hoe
    that turns the earth
    to prepare the show
    of brilliant flowers
    and nourishing growth…

    Oh how that Hoe
    has made life glean…
    Most apparent,
    But seldom seen.


    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Wow! Love that, Moe-rella! (((HUGS)))

    • By Jill - Reply

      Very nice!

  • By Jeannie Baringer - Reply

    I love your site! I am a flower gardener. However I sold my house and now I am a container gardener. Either way I will always garden!

  • By Lisa Ohling - Reply

    I’m a thirsty Hoe. Diggin in the dirt and shopping those g. sales, looking for just the right thing for the garden. Working up a thirst 🙂

  • By Cindi - Reply

    I’m a chillin hoe!

  • By Jackie J - Reply

    Given that I have to be very careful in the sun but go for it anyway, I’d say I’m a sportin’ survivin’ hat wearin’ hoe that always finds a way to play in the dirt. 🙂

  • By Lynette Melton - Reply

    I’m a flip floppin hoe. Love my flip flops!
    Though, I must say, I would be tickled wiggly as an earthworm to win any of these products!!!

  • By Anita Vick - Reply

    Love your site- I am a Chillan Hoe….

  • By Debbie K - Reply

    I’m a new hoe! So happy to fnd this website through The Art of Seed! Being new, this hoe has lots to learn, thanks for all your info! Happy Gardening : )

  • By Paula Lovett - Reply

    I am a flip flipping hoe……:)

  • By Raynell Key - Reply

    Flip Flippin’ Hoe

  • By Rebecca - Reply

    I am a walk a mile in my flipflops kinda hoe in the summer time and a pull on your pink rubber boots kinda hoe any other time… cuz in the PNW we have two seasons Sunny with Rainbreaks and Rainy with Sunbreaks. Love your site.

  • By Melinda - Reply

    It’s Texas. Of course I’m thirsty. 🙂

  • By Tami - Reply

    I am a novice hoe finding her inspiration.

  • By Karyn - Reply

    I’m a chillin hoe!! Love your stuff!!

  • By Claudia - Reply

    I’m a Florida flip floppin flippin hoe. I garden in flip flops, tend to my llamas in flip flops, so my feet are always a lovely shade of dirt. 🙂

  • By Lori Stilts - Reply

    Sportin’ Hoe

  • By Gail Shelley - Reply

    I’m flip flipping,traveling hoe.

  • By Karen Chapman - Reply

    I’m a muddy but happy hoe with dirty knees and dark nail polish to hide the soil under my fingernails.

  • By Liz - Reply

    A prim and proper hoe 🙂

  • By Sharon - Reply

    I’m fixing to be a Retired Hoe so I can start using my hoe more often!

  • By José Luis - Reply

    What I love most in life is to love my wife and working in the garden because she is a beautiful flower that deserves all my cares

  • By José Luis - Reply

    What I love most in life is to love my wife and working in the garden because she is a beautiful flower that deserves all my cares ♥

  • By kathy - Reply

    I’m a chillin’ hoe! Live in tee shirts and jeans, and love your site! <

  • By Denise - Reply

    HOEpful Hoe! And not just with gardening! 🙂

  • By Julie Livingston - Reply

    I love your site !!!1 I thank you each time yo share with the worlds of gardens…..

    K E E P H O E I N !!!

  • By Heide Kemink - Reply

    I am a traveling hoe! After taking care of the yard at home during the week, we have a seasonal campsite in northern Mi. We are allowed to plant and grow on our own site, and I love to container garden along with a hosta garden and other plantings around the trailer. Last year, major surgery in June limited me to a few hanging plants. I can’t wait to get outside and Hoe!

  • By Denice - Reply

    I’m a Southern sportin’ hoe.

  • By Andrea Viar - Reply

    Flip-floppin’ hoe.

  • By Andrea Viar - Reply

    Flip floppin’ flower gardening hoe.

  • By Andrea Viar - Reply

    I’m a flip flopper kind of hoe.

  • By jeannine leonard - Reply

    right now I am a planning my flower bed hoe, cannot wait to smell the roses

  • By Laurie - Reply

    I’m a relatively “new” hoe 🙂 So excited to be building a large raised bed garden this Spring! Thanks for a chance to win – PS LOVE your stuff!

  • By Kim Knell - Reply

    I am of course a flip, flopping Hoe!!

  • By Amanda Petrucci - Reply

    I am a traveling hoe;)

  • By JOAN MAYNARD - Reply


  • By wendy lena - Reply

    i am a bottoms up hoe….after working in yard and along my feng shu trail all day…i love jumping in lake for a nice cool swim…

  • By wendy lena - Reply

    i am a bottoms up hoe…after working all day in yard and my feng shui trail along the lake bank, i love to jump in lake for a nice cool swim…BOTTOMS UP!!

  • By wendy lena - Reply

    i am a bottoms up hoe….after a day of working the yard and along my feng shui trail…i love nothing better than to jump in the lake for a cool swim…bottoms up…..

  • By Glynda DeVore - Reply

    I have a suggestion for your boutique. A gardening hoe visor would be a nice addition. I love, love my Visor, my head gets too hot wearing a cap, and it keeps my bangs our of my eyes.


    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Great idea, Glynda! Will DEFINITELY look into it! Thank you and good luck!

      May all your gardens grow,

  • By Angela Biesecker - Reply

    I am a streetwalker hoe….I walk dogs, my own and others, nothing better than watching mother nature at work as the season roll in and out

  • By Linda White - Reply

    Now a days I’m a Chillin Hoe love gardens & Love your site ! : )

  • By Donna - Reply

    I am a chillin’ hoe. Working outside amidst the garden helps me chill. <3

  • By Rebecca - Reply

    I’m a native habitat, chicken gardener type of hoe… Include me in your drawing 🙂

  • By Teri Williams - Reply

    Hmmm…I don’t see mine listed…I am a blissful hoe, a blissin hoe and a totally blissed out hoe! :):):)

  • By Faye - Reply

    Hmmmm…I’m a mixture of all the above. I can be any hoe on any given day. A Jill of all hoes. 🙂 P.S………… love the hat 😉

  • By Jan Kolodge - Reply

    I’m an absolutely fabulous English hoe!

  • By Jan Abrahams - Reply

    I’m a flip flippin hoe. Love to feel the dirt between my toes!

  • By Jackie - Reply

    Chillin, thirsty hoe 🙂

  • By John Bailey - Reply

    I am a thirsty hoe, but what I woulkd put in the bottle might not be appropriate.

  • By Lisa Slade - Reply

    I am definitely a Flip Floppin’ Hoe! It the closest thing to bare feet. I just LOVE the feeling of dirt on my (almost) bare feet in late spring/summer 🙂 Have a great night! – Lisa xx

  • By Marlene Conger - Reply

    I am a Chillin’ Hoe all the way.

  • By Rosemary - Reply

    I’m a travelin’ hoe, for sure!

  • By Shelley Cornell - Reply

    Flip Flippin’ Hoe!

  • By Marian Noel - Reply

    I am a flippin hoe! I love feeling barefooted!

  • By Lani Thompson - Reply

    I am a down and dirty hoe.lol

  • By Bethany/Trudi - Reply

    Definitely a traveling hoe! I love going to gardens in other climes, wandering through the plants that would never grow in Michigan! My fav so far? The gardens in Suzhou, China!

  • By Becky Moss - Reply

    I’m a sportin hoe for sure. I just love your site and all of the ideas.

  • By Susan Harkins - Reply

    Flip flopping for sure.

  • By Julie - Reply

    Definitely a totally chillin’ hoe ; )

  • By Nora Tomaszewski - Reply

    I am a Flip Floppin Hoe. I love walking bare foot in a freshly tilled garden.

  • By Maggie Peters - Reply

    I am a flip floppin hoe, can’t wait to put em on and get in the garden and plant. You have given me so many ideas that I want to use for flowers (my favorite type of gardening)! Your ideas, pictures, etc are ready for reaping that’s for sure! Thanks for the fantastic website, I tell everyone about you!

  • By Paula Quillen - Reply

    I am a hat garden hoe. This sun in Florida is famous and terrible for our skin. Help me “save face.” I need a hat! 0_o Thanks.

  • By Sandi - Reply

    I’m a rainy weather hoe! 🙂

  • By sheila schultz - Reply

    Hey… I’m a Chillin Hoe, after all, I’m a Denver Dirty Girl!

  • By Wonder Wyant - Reply

    Truth to tell, I’m an antique hoe but I guess ya gotta pick so I’d say I could be a Sportin’ Hoe if I won!

  • By Emmy - Reply

    Flip floppin! Can’t wait for summer!

  • By shelly - Reply

    I hoe for whatever I need in the garden! ;0

  • By Ann Shade - Reply

    My hoe broke off almost 20 yrs ago & the resulting hook is my favorite gardening tool!!!!! Reaches limbs to prune & pulls sticks off the shed roof. And scratches a nice line to plant in.

  • By Pat - Reply

    Did I miss a slow and steady hoe? I am defineately a Flip-Flop Hoe!! Love all of the hoes and at one time or another I’m sure I am all the hoes, but I live in flip flops!! Great site and FB page. <3

  • By Khristi N - Reply

    I am a CHILLIN HOE!!!

  • By Anita Napier - Reply

    I’m a flip flooping hoe sharpening hoe!


    chillin hoe for sho!

  • By Cathy Cadd - Reply

    After decades of being a get down on your knees in the dirt, pull out the weeds, make compost, sift the rocks out of the garden bed Hoe, I have become a lightweight container pot Garden Hoe. I so miss a real garden.

  • By Jackie - Reply

    I’m a Sportin Hoe! Wouldn’t be caught in the garden without my baseball cap…

  • By Karen - Reply

    Flip flippin’ hoe stuck in a snowstorm in Canada hoe.

  • By Donna B. - Reply

    I’m a dirty hoe. There – I said it.

  • By Em Walker - Reply

    I’m a corn belt bred, barefoot in the kitchen, two-boy-raising, wanna grow it all in a raised and container garden hoe!!

  • By Julie - Reply

    Chillin Hoe in TX today but will be flip floppin’ by the weekend!

  • By cathy jo - Reply

    I am a herb and spice loving new HOE!!! natural and sun loving, nature loving HOE.. Love your site and ideas and share amny many with friends and family

  • By Susie Parker - Reply

    I am a tenacious hoe – not matter the soil, the rocks or weeds, I dig it all up and plant. my. seeds!!

  • By Judy White - Reply

    I am a chillin /Travelin HOE. Not braggin, just stating the facts. : )

  • By deb ford - Reply

    I guess I am a Florida nature hoe.

  • By Roberta Kelly - Reply

    I’m a flip flippin’ Hoe….. At 63 starting life over again and moving half way across the country to do so….. 🙂

  • By Becky Giesler - Reply

    I have to admit I too am a dirty Hoe. There’s nothing glamorous about it. However I feel at my very best when I’m at it. I love to grow just about everything we eat. I adore what I do:)

  • By kathy gilbert - Reply

    I am surely a gypsy traveling hoe always in search of the next fleamarket,estate sale,plants and on and on ,just love everything about junk gardening,thanks for the fun give away!

  • By Claudia Velazquez - Reply

    Thank you for the chance to win….
    I’m a I’m a dirty-salsa-dancing-Mexi-hoe! 😉
    But… according to the choices you gave… I’d definitely say I’m a sporting/thirsty hoe! 😉

  • By Tricia - Reply

    Chillin’ Hoe, for sure!

  • By Bonnie Upton - Reply

    I’m a chillin hoe just waiting for spring

  • By carla hackley - Reply

    I’m a garden variety Hoe!

  • By Debbie - Reply

    I am a love it in the spring, poor little flowers in the heat of summer, you beautiful things in the fall kind of gardener….love it all. I’m the kind of HOE that wishes life could be one big garden…and I would tend it all the time.

  • By Pam Assemany - Reply

    Definately a chillin hoe, love diggin in the dirt! Love your unique site!

  • By Pam Assemany - Reply

    Definately a chillin hoe, love diggin in the dirt. Love your unique site!!!

  • By Sandra - Reply

    I love hoeing around and I be a chillin hoe!

  • By Megan - Reply

    I’m a flower farming hoe!

  • By rosemary reed - Reply

    Im a dirty hoe cause Im always playing in the dirt

  • By Vicki Brown - Reply

    I am a little bit of a country hoe!

  • By jessica smith - Reply

    I am a southern dirty hoe who loves nothing better than to be digging in the dirt babying my flowers!

  • By Laurie - Reply

    I’m a mamma hoe who some people think is a crazy hoe but I think I am a lucky hoe!

  • By Sara Steeves - Reply

    Bottoms Up Hoe! 🙂

  • By annabelle - Reply

    I’m a down and dirty hoe, struggling with the Georgia humidity and red clay!

  • By Suzi Jordan - Reply

    Im a Valley of the Sun Hoe here in Mesa Az and its a hard job to hoe here.
    I love to work outside in my yard and have so enjoyed your page and all the great ideas ive shared with friends. Keep on Hoein….

  • By Sue - Reply

    I’m a cross between the flip flop hoe and a chillin’ hoe! Love to wear some flip flops even in the cold!! And love to chill and look out at my gardens!!

  • By Cynthia Biser - Reply

    Well, anyone whom I work for (florist, plant nursery, or private residences) would tell you I’m just a dirty hoe. Meaning, by the end of the day/shift I am usually covered in dirt/manure/clippings etc. Aware that wasn’t a choice. Like the site and alot of good ideas & articles! Just being honest,-my supervisor at the nursery calls me a “dirty girl” simply due to the face that I wear my work. We often joke that’s why I don’t have a tan…never need sun block since I have a layer of dirt to protect me! Keep up the inspiring work ladies! We certainly enjoy! Sincerely, Cynthia Biser

  • By Jeri - Reply

    I’m a chillin’ Hoe or a thirsty Hoe. Love, love, luv your page!

  • By Amy Lyn - Reply

    I’m a totally Chillin’ Hoe 🙂

  • By Michelle Egelhoff Alger - Reply

    I wish I could say I’m a bottom’s up hoe….but alas those days are behind me (pun intended). So I would say I’m a chillin hoe.

  • By Dot - Reply

    …just a plain ol’ hoing hoe!

  • By Durelle - Reply

    Definitely a chillin hoe!

  • By Robin - Reply

    I would be the sportin Hoe..:)

  • By Judy Manning - Reply

    I am a Garden Hoe with too many wonderful projects and never enough time.

  • By linda scherm - Reply

    flip flop chillin hoe. love outdoor projects….never enough time. love you page!

  • By Sharon - Reply

    I’m a muck-boot-wearin’, dirt-under-my-nails suthern hoe

  • By sandi - Reply

    flip floppin how

  • By sandi - Reply

    flip floppin hoe

  • By lorene - Reply

    i am a collector, chillin, flippin, dirt hoe; luv luv to get everything bloomin and getting down & dirty in the yard and finishing off sipping on the deck taking in the spoils of my efforts and enjoying nature! 😀

  • By Hillbilly mom - Reply

    I am a Hillbilly Hoe

  • By Myrta L - Reply

    Well I am a older rounded off hoe, of farming and gardening days, anything nice would make me a Pick-Me-Up Hoe!! LOL thanks for having

  • By Leslie - Reply

    I’d say I’m an all around Hoe but that just sounds bad, haha! So I’ll say I’m a just chillin’ hoe 🙂

  • By Denise - Reply

    I’m an elegant, toting hoe 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!

  • By Kylee from Our Little Acre - Reply

    Hey Jan! What a great giveaway! I’m a flip floppin’ hoe! Those are just adorable! Thank you for this opportunity!

  • By Denise in Texas - Reply

    I’m a red flower fanatic & purple passion garden flip floppin’ hummingbird watchin’ hoe. LOVE the name, pinning you on my board! 😀

  • By SP Gardens - Susanna - Reply

    Flip flops and a hoe – that’s my style! Love your work and accessories!

  • By Nicky @dirtandmartinis - Reply

    What an awesome giveaway! I’m at Thirsty Hoe yo, hehe! xNicky @dirtandmartinis

  • By Caleigh Dewsbury - Reply

    I am a chilling hoe, I make my garden so I have some where nice to drink wine.

  • By Penny Hartz - Reply

    I am a chillin’ hoe. Like to go out and chill in my garden and admire its beauty!

  • By Ginger Jones - Reply

    I’m a country hoe….can’t wait to start our garden this spring. Love the Country Hoe items!!

  • By Joy Dollar - Reply

    I would think that I am all of the above, but I will go with chillin hoe! Cute items…love the site!

  • By Mary Hickman - Reply

    Hi, At first I thought you wanted to know what kind of Hoe I use and I was so excited…I will tell you anyhow…I garden with a 7″ heavy cast iron eye hoe on a 3/4 length hickory handle…I run a small garden service and my ladies, mostly seniors, ask me to bring “my tool” when it’s time to refresh paths etc. I am a hoeing hoe.

  • By Erin Philllips - Reply

    I’m a flip flopin’ chillin’ hoe! Love it!

  • By Rose - Reply

    Oh, I am a chillin’ hoe for sure! Always looking for something warm to wear. Altho those I’m a wanna be flip flopping how too. (with socks) 😉

  • By Nancy - Reply

    I am a Traveling Hoe -travel from website to website, and just learned about your site today. Will be visiting again soon.

  • By Georgia - Reply

    I’m an aged hoe. Waiting for spring to arrive so I can start crawling around the backyard and getting my hands dirty. Love your pictures and merchandise!

  • By Angel Blue - Reply

    love the site! Lets see, I’m a Hoe-Hankering to be a better gardener! your blog helps! Best of wishes to you and yours for a blossomingly great business!

  • By Gayle - Reply

    Im a sporting hoe,and think you have a great website.Heard about it on a gardening group.
    Gardening is a hoes passion!!!!!

  • By Gayle - Reply

    Nice website! Heard about you on a gardening group. Im a sporting hoe. Gardening is a hoes passion!!!It is mine anyway.

  • By Kathy Dittemore - Reply

    Gotta be a chillin’ hoe!! Love it! Thanks for the give away!1

  • By Sharon T - Reply

    I am sustainable hoe – I like using recycled materials in the garden and love swapping and sharing produce with friends and family – I love turning my produce into meals, pickles, cordials etc. and the scraps etc. go to the chickens and pigs – nothing goes to waste……;-)

  • By Regina Fischer - Reply

    I am a chillin Hoe. Ilove my tshirts. I would rather hoe than till.

  • By Missy Shumaker - Reply

    I’m a redneck country hoe…..real aged horse manure and straw for fertilizer and real aged barn boards to make the raise beds that HOLD the real aged horse manure!

  • By Kelley - Reply

    To win would be better than a HO HO from santa 🙂

  • By Liz Lewis - Reply

    I am definitely a chillin’ hoe. Love your website and your decorating ideas. Can hardly wait to get out of this apartment and able to have flowers to tend again!

  • By Echo Arnett - Reply

    I’m a hoe big buncha hoe! And I love your site!!

  • By Lynn Langley - Reply

    I would say out of your choices, a bottoms up hoe since you could find unconventional items in my garden!

  • By Carol schneider - Reply

    I am a traeling Hoe, but love coming home to my garden.

  • By Jennifer Kasprzak - Reply

    I am most definitely a Travelin Hoe any chance to get away and this Momma takes it

  • By Pamela - Reply


  • By Jenn--AKA Mother Clucker - Reply

    I’m a chicken shi… err… poo shovelin, drum makin, egg gatherin, service dog trainin, fun lovin HOE!

  • By melody phelps - Reply

    I’m a hiking hoe! I hike all over the Smoky mountains every chance I get!!!

  • By susan williams - Reply

    I am definately a flip flop hoe. Love wearing flip flops and planting my flowers and taking care of my plants!!

  • By Rosemary - Reply

    I’m a travelin’ hoe!

  • By Sue - Reply

    I’m a flippin hoe. Love me my flip flops.

  • By Terry Boyer - Reply

    Thirsty Hoe

  • By Lynne Saunders - Reply

    Chillin’ Hoe all the way!!!!

  • By christine jaeger - Reply

    i’m a cottage gardener, rose growing, vintage hoe, who loves to peer over picket fences…… good luck with your giveaway, may you have many more… 🙂

  • By Sara Morelock - Reply

    I’m a hippie chick garden hoe 😉 and I LOVE all the ideas you put on your facebook page – THANK YOU!

  • By Dian - Reply

    I’m a Flip Flippin’ Hoe in my Hippie Ho’s Hand!

  • By Therese Lussier - Reply

    I am a flower Hoe. My thing is Oriental Lilies and I <3 your site.

  • By Kimber from Stilettos In The Mud - Reply

    Definitely the bottoms up kind 😉 Those weeds are always flying!

  • By amy musser - Reply

    I’m a flip flippin chillin kinda hoe!

  • By Sonia Koch - Reply

    Im a sportin hoe here in the country!!

  • By shellie Thompson - Reply

    Im a Michigan Hoe, I love old thing making them into real cool new stuff

  • By Barb - Reply

    I’m a Flip Floppin’ Hoe. I love my flipflops. Go from flipflops to Uggs and Uggs to flipflops!

  • By Sallie Lane - Reply

    Im a Chillin and Sportin kinda Hoe!!! Love the site!!! Hoe Hoe Hoe!!!

  • By Melannie - Reply

    I am either a Flip Flippin’ Hoe or a Chllin Hoe.

    Not matter which one I am craving the end of winter to get back into the garden.

  • By Jennifer Connor - Reply

    I am a “wanna-BEE” hoe…

  • By Kathryn Morsching - Reply

    I’m a can’t wait to get my hands dirty hoe. Gardening is my therapy even if it means gardening in the dark with my LED equipped baseball hat 🙂

  • By Barb Irwin - Reply

    I am a hoe of many colours….I love decorating my gardens as if they were a room in my home. Being a Canadian, I am nothing but a Chillin’ Hoe. 😀

  • By fransita - Reply

    thanks for your lovely photos of DIY projects etc. .
    i am a thirsty dirty flipfloppin gypsy hoe <3

  • By Alice Haataja - Reply

    I’m a thirsty “Greenthumb Gertie” hoe!

  • By Diane - Reply

    I’m one thirsty Hoe!! I like a nice cold drink when I’m working hard in the Garden!

  • By Bethany/Trudi - Reply

    Definitely a traveling hoe! Love to find gardens to tour on my travels. My top – the fabulous gardens in Suzhou, China.

  • By Shannon - Reply

    I’m a garden hoe of all trades!
    From bulbs to seeds
    Flowers to weeds
    Trees and shrubs
    I love my bees and detest the slugs
    In the dirt I work and play
    Then chill on my deck at the end of the day!

    Good luck to me! Love you two hoes! <3

  • By Sallie Lane - Reply

    Im a Chillin and Sportin Kinda Hoe!! Loving this site! TY Hoe Hoe Hoe….

  • By Pat - Reply

    I love being a flip floppin hoe all year long….

  • By Gina Cox - Reply

    I love them all just getting into gardening but I think I am more of a flip flop hoe that’s for sure!!!

  • By Sherry Smith - Reply

    Sportin’ Hoe that is thirsty! LOL
    Playing in the dirt and smelling the garden after the rain makes my day!

  • By Sallie Lane - Reply

    Im A Chillin HOE!!! and A Sportin Hoe too….Ive been Hoein all my life!!!

  • By Mary E. - Reply

    I’m a chilling, flip flopping, bottoms up hoe!!

  • By Jean Polhemus Mabie - Reply

    I’ll be the BIRTHDAY Hoe !!!! since Saturday will be my 48th !!!!

  • By Kim - Reply

    I’m a thirsty hoe :-))

  • By Deb. Mathenia - Reply

    I am more of the sportin’ hoe! The more dirt on my clothes and socks make me a very happy person 🙂 Thank-you for the give away <3

  • By Sheryle G - Reply

    I’m a Flip Flippin’ Hoe!

  • By Jeanie Hudman - Reply

    Such a ‘chillin hoe’ I am! gotta wear the long sleeves even in the summer,… NM has HOT sun, and I’m a redhead!! OUCH! xoxoxo

  • By Annie - Reply

    I am a Rock Mtn Hoe! Living in the mtns with all of the snow, I am just waitin’ to Hoe, Hoe, Hoe. Come on spring, show me the way… So I can Hoe the day away.

    This is fun…. thanks!

  • By June Smith - Reply

    I am a traveling hoe! Love to photograph beautiful gardens on my way.

  • By Ginger Sarwi - Reply

    I am a succulent garden hoe! I love them all!

  • By Judy - Reply

    A little hoe goes along ways. I’d say I’m a chilling hoe. All very nice.

  • By Julie Fossum - Reply

    Travelin’ Hoe that’s me!

  • By Barbara - Reply

    Chillin hoe, I guess. My favorite plants to grow and tend are my herbs and fragrant plants. Does that make me a smelly hoe?

  • By Carrie Ferguson - Reply

    I am a travelin’ bottom ups sort of hoe! I love all the accessories. So cute!

  • By jen payne - Reply

    traveling, flip flopping hoe!

  • By Darla McCorkle - Reply

    An inside hoe! I’m more of a print the picture, go buy the stuff, blue print the diagram, measure the exact plot of land, inspect the surface, dole out the sunscreen, bugspray, hats and gloves and then say “its a bit hot boys, I’m going in the house! Ya’ll want me to make some tea?” I will come out periodically to make sure they are doing it like I said though. So I guess that’d make me a Thirsty Inside Hoe! 🙂

  • By Karla Davis - Reply

    Your products are adorable and I love this info you have on your Facebook…. You really motivate a person to get busy planting and we just had 7 inches of snow!

  • By Sam C - Reply

    A Working Hoe

  • By Karla Davis - Reply

    Sorry, I am a Blessed Hoe!

  • By Kallie Arroyo - Reply

    I’m a chillin ho, I used to be a traveling ho, but the garden got too big to ever leave it alone for long.

    • By Kallie Arroyo - Reply

      OOPS, I meant hoe with an e.

  • By Sue Gray - Reply

    I’m a travelin hoe. Thanks for the give away. I love the great ideas on your FB page.

  • By Cindy - Reply

    I’m a researching, travelling hoe!!!

  • By Lauren Graves - Reply

    !. Who you callin’ a ho?

    2. ‘tho I could be any of ’em, I guess I’m a travelin’ ho. mostly.

  • By Victoria - Reply

    Sportin’ Hoe. Just joined your site the other day. Lots of great ideas.

  • By Tamra - Reply

    Thirsty hoe…in the garden and on the road bike!

  • By Lorrie - Reply

    My Husband says I am happiest when I am playing in my gardens with dirt under my fingernails so I guess I am a “Dirt Hoe” 🙂 Thankful my friend shared your site with me . . . Love it!

  • By Bre H. - Reply

    I am a mixture of a travelin’ hoe, a bottoms up hoe, and a flip flippin hoe! Love them!

  • By Kathy Tucker - Reply

    Im a Sportin Hoe. Need my hat when im outside hoeing. Love your website and the pictures you share on Facebook. Im a fan.

  • By Lora - Reply

    Chillin’ Hoe … an OLD Chillin’ Hoe!

  • By Angela Blair - Reply

    I’m a CHILLIN Hoe! But sometimes I’m a THIRSTY TRAVELIN’ Hoe too…

  • By Letitia Wilson - Reply

    I am a flippin’,sportin’, chillin’, travelin’ kind of hoe!!!!

  • By Kool Karen - Reply

    I am a grateful hoe. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful info that you do. Keep on posting and keeping us all inspired.

  • By Sandy Messer - Reply

    I’m A Chilling Hoe 🙂

  • By Gretchen Suthon - Reply

    I’m a traveling hoe. I have lived and gardened in seven states.

  • By Jen Miserendino - Reply

    I’m a Flip Flippin Hoe for sure!

  • By Daisy Vazquez - Reply

    A Peaceful hoe, fresh flowers a swing and a warm breeze!

  • By Diana Sturm - Reply

    I’m a Chilling Hoe!

  • By K Derauf - Reply

    I am throughly a flip flippin hoe! I live in my flip flops during the summer and making my gardens grow 🙂

  • By Kathy Fults - Reply

    I’m definitely a chillin hoe! Love your site! Awesome!

  • By Carol Giwojna - Reply

    I am a ‘Thirsty Hoe’…Thank you Jan!

  • By Teresa Pfeiffer - Reply

    I’m a tshirt Hoe and a frustrated hoe. Can ‘t find enough time to get in the garden as much as I would like .

  • By Janeen B. - Reply

    I’m a chillin hoe! I’m only 4’9″ tall and I’m often chilly. I love long sleved t’s!! Thank you so much for the generous giveaway!

  • By Deb - Reply

    I’m a Flip-Floppin Hoe as well…Good luck to all us Hoes!!!

  • By Patti Bovey - Reply

    I love being a dirty hoe. Can’t wait for spring!

  • By Jesse M - Reply

    I’m a flip flopping Hoe!!!! Love all this stuff!!!

  • By DebO - Reply

    I’m a sportin’ hoe when I need to be to wrestle weeds, but a chillin’ hoe when I’m enjoying the results of a beautiful day in the garden!

  • By kathy Juracej - Reply

    I Don’t have a hoe:( I need one~!

  • By Elmo_Garden_Hoe - Reply

    I’m the Sportin Hoe kinda gal! Love getting my hands in the dirt and seeing things grow! You guys are a daily inspiration. I LOVE seeing what you post and am getting my creative jolt on due to you! THANK YOU!!!

  • By Liz - Reply

    I am a virgin hoe!!! Gonna have my first veggie garden this year

  • By Laurie - Reply

    I’m a boho hoe.
    Love the teapot birdhouse idea! I love you, you hoes!

  • By Diana - Reply

    I’m a Flip Floppin’ Hoe, Love my FlipFlops.

  • By Karen H. - Reply

    First of all, thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous products!! I cannot wait to see your new posts and the awesome and unique ideas you come up with. They are wonderful and are giving me lots of fun ideas to try this Spring/Summer.
    I am just a Garden Hoe, too. Probably the Chillin’ one fits me best as always wearing t-shirts, long sleeved especially. My fenced in yard is full of flowers, plants and many many statues, bird feeders, etc.

  • By Karen H. - Reply

    First of all, thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous products!! I cannot wait to see your new posts and the awesome and unique ideas you come up with. They are wonderful and are giving me lots of fun ideas to try this Spring/Summer.
    I am just a Garden Hoe, too. Probably the Chillin’ one fits me best as always wearing t-shirts, long sleeved especially. My fenced in yard is full of flowers, plants and many many statues, bird feeders, etc.

  • By Pilan - Reply

    I have to say I am one Thirsty HOE I drink Lots of water and always have a glass of ice water somewhere close. I don’t drink out of plastic so this would be a great little water can. And, would look great sitting on the new potting bench I just finished building waiting for a thirsty swig.:)

  • By Diane Albright - Reply

    I am a “Chillin Hoe” with a trowel in my hand, re-creating a new area in my garden, when I decided to be a “Travelin Hoe” wearing my “Sportin Hoe and Flip Flippin Hoes” and mosey on down to the Re-Use center and find a special piece to add to the new bench where I’ll soon be a “Sippin Hoe” using my “Thirsty Hoe” and saying “Bottoms Up Hoe”!!!! That’s the kind of Hoe I am…

  • By Sharon H - Reply

    I’m a Southwest Virginia Girl Hoe !!

  • By Debbie Mozingo - Reply

    As i have a really bad head cold right now and can’t breath, I would say I was a thirsty hoe. I am breathing through my mouth and could sure use a drink right about now. Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes.

  • By Sandy Sitzman - Reply

    I am a “chillin’ hoe” looking for spring and warmth!

  • By Lynn Alleman - Reply

    I am a Flip Flippin’ Hoe,
    I would also like to tell you how much I enjoy your site! Great JOB!!!!!

  • By Tammie Hawkins - Reply

    I am a Chillin’ Hoe.
    I love to play in the dirt.

  • By Sundownr - Reply

    I’m a hoe HOE! I carry my hoe everywhere I go! There’s nothing you can’t do with a hoe . . . except maybe peel a tomato! Lovin’ your website.

  • By Deby - Reply

    I love your site. Thanks for always sharing. I’m a an everyday hoe, just love everything about it.

  • By Gail Porter - Reply

    I am a Thirsty Hoe and ain’t afraid to show it!!

  • By Krystina - Reply

    Aquairian Watering Hoe!

  • By Sherry parkhurst - Reply

    Love the underwear and your company name. Makes you sound like such fun people.

  • By Janet Moore - Reply

    I am a Flip Flippin’ Hoe! I always wear my flip flops and even try to dig with them on. I could sure use a new garden hoe because I wore my other one out. My grandmother got me into gardening when I was 6 or 7 and I am 61 now and can’t imagine not having my flowers to brighten my day. when I see the beauty of flowers ,I think of God.

  • By Samantha Olden - Reply

    Im a give it away for free hoe! I love to start seedlings and give them away to friends and charity. All that work also makes me a thirsty hoe! You girls rock!

  • By Kendra Myers - Reply

    I’m just a Hoe I guess lol!! Love your page!

  • By pamela kingsley seay - Reply

    I am definitely a traveling hoe. I love to travel to photograph beautiful flowers, gardens, oceans, trees, animals and architecture for my paintings.

  • By Kelly Smithburg - Reply

    I am a Chillin’ Hoe……ready for spring to play in my yard!

  • By Anderson - Reply

    Flip Flippin’

  • By Elysse Helms - Reply

    This flip flippin hoe loves your site!

  • By Wanda Metzinger - Reply

    I’m a thirsty, flip flippin’ travelin’ hoe! Always with a glass of water not too far off while tending my raised-bed vegetable garden when not travelin’ to see my daughter compete in college!

  • By Lois Hardenbrook - Reply

    As someone mentioned before I’m a ‘trial and error’ garden hoe. Buy because I like, plant and if it doesn’t grow there find something else. Inherited just enough of my Grandma’s green thumb to love to play in the dirt 🙂

  • By Betty Pillsbury - Reply

    I’m an Herbal Hoe! I grow a couple hundred herbs (and flowers and veggies and fruits). Love making stuff with my herbs.

  • By Melanie Jones - Reply

    I am a garden hoe!!! I love the Tee!!! When I dig my trench and set my roots!? thats where I stay!!!! 🙂

  • By Melanie Jones - Reply

    My little garden hoe… is 6 yrs old… she plants her roots where momma does!

  • By Kathleen Smith - Reply

    I’m a chicken Hoe! And a gradin’ Hoe, since, as a college instructor, I spend most of my time grading papers!

  • By Whitney Bartlett - Reply

    I am a “Finally Found my Green Thumb Hoe” and I am super excited!

  • By Annie Wetherbee - Reply

    I am the perfect Chillin’ Hoe! Love your blog!! Thanks for the chance!!

  • By Sheila O'Neal - Reply

    I am a sports hoe. I started gardening late in life, in my late 50’s. I am so glad I didn’t wait too late. I just love gardening now in my 60’s. I just love your website. Thanks for the tips.

  • By Sarah Moore Ray - Reply

    Love your wonderful garden ideas, this hoe loves the yard work. Won’t let husband touch my acre and a half…decided men just do not know how to even mow grass!

  • By Lora Erclauz - Reply

    Gotta say travelin’ hoe.

  • By Judy Hall - Reply

    I am a Flipping Hoe and when I am done Flipping I am a Thirsty Hoe…..Love, Love, Love your website. I suggest you have a place where other creative people could post their pic of things they have come up with. Love those trash to treasure creation. Keep up the good work !!!

  • By Kathie Coombs - Reply

    I am a disabled hoe and as long as my arms work I am going to be digging my hands in dirt in my greenhouse and raised beds! Love your attitude and love your site!! Makes me smile daily!

  • By Carole Mason - Reply

    I, too, am a grateful hoe! But I am also a traveling hoe – trying to keep the gardens going up north and at home. 🙂

  • By Kathy Battaglia - Reply

    I’m a travelin hoe….Love to travel and garden as much as I can!

  • By Beverly Pfaffinger - Reply

    I’m a Hoe of all of the above… but I wear my flip flops everyday as soon as the weather permits!! So that sort of makes me a “Flip Flippin’ Hoe”!! And that’s fine with me!! I love gardening & the flowers I grow! It’s work at times… it is also my joy & the relaxation of my mind… I love it all! I moved last winter & planted tulips right away in my new yard… for they are spring!! Can’t wait to see what my new yard has for flowers & already have plans on what I want to plant. I have cared for my mother (89 years young) for 7 years now & enjoy sharing my beautiful flowers with her! She loves them! God has truly blessed us with the beauty of His creation! I love your site & your very clever ideas! Thanks…

  • By Linda Therrien - Reply

    I love your site. I’m a chillin’ hoe.

  • By Terry - Reply

    I’m an almost 2 late hoe !!!! Lov this site!! I’m the kinda gal who should just plant money,cause it won’t grow ( flowers -etc.)and neither does my $$$!!!! But I keep trying. 🙂

  • By Pat - Reply

    I’m a chillin’ hoe! My husband loves to work in the garden but I pressure can or freeze everything the garden produces.

  • By Joey Randall - Reply

    I’m an ‘old as dirt’ Hoe lovin’ the ‘Clever Hoe’ sponsoring this fun Give-Away!

  • By Melissa Grant - Reply

    Im a travling hoe! LOL. Love the website!

  • By Darla Bills - Reply

    I am NY flower hoe……loving the spring that is on its way

  • By Kathy Hayden Reamy - Reply

    I’m a watering hoe as I toil in my 1/4 acre vegetable garden myriad flower beds and tend our five acre mini farm.

  • By Debi Wilkinson - Reply

    I’m a “Life is a Garden…..Dig it (with a hoe), bluegrass loving Hoe !

  • By Carolyn - Reply

    I am a jack of All trades kinda hoe! In the field, in the house, flower garden, vegetable garden in my flip flops with my hat and t-shirt and a cold glass of ice tea not far away from me!

  • By Debbie McMurry - Reply

    I am a chillin Hoe!! Love your posts and pics!

  • By Sharon - Reply

    Now that I’m retired…I’m a Thirsty, Chillin’ out in Florida Sportin’ Flip flops Flippin’, Travelin’ whenever I can Hoe! *Love your site 🙂

  • By Jen - Reply

    Bottoms up hoe! How cute!

  • By Julie Richardson - Reply

    I’m a rainy day, traveling, flip-flopping hoe!

  • By kathy - Reply

    I am definitely a chillin’ hoe! <

  • By Valorie - Reply

    I am a sporting, thirsty hoe. Love playing in the dirt and am turning it into a business. Opening on the April 6th. 🙂

  • By Sandi Pease - Reply

    A Sportin’ Hoe, but all of them are great! You do such a good job on posting everything you do! Thank you!

  • By Penny - Reply

    Flip flopping hoe!!!!

  • By Kristy - Reply

    I’m definatly a sportin’ hoe!

  • By Andy Flachs - Reply

    Love the photos.

  • By Deborah Underwood Brown - Reply

    A little of all of them…but probably mostly a sportin’ hoe since the sun is so hot here…must, must have a cap to do any work!

  • By sheila wade - Reply

    Flip-Floppin Hoe <3

  • By Cheryl - Reply

    Thirsty Hoe!

  • By Denise - Reply

    I am a Very Proud Florida Sunshine Hoe .. :>}

  • By Sandy Redmond - Reply

    I’m pretty sure I’m a Travelin’ Hoe, and I’ve also been called a bag lady. Hey – I have “stuff” that needs to go with me! To work, to the gym, to the garden store! Thanks for a fun giveaway. Love your Facebook posts – very inspirational and great eye candy!

  • By Tina - Reply

    I’m a Georgia Grown Hoe, with tight quarters…. and if you give me a perennial bed, veggie bed and a shaded bed, we will see what happens!

  • By Maggie Drake - Reply

    I use a Japanese hoe with a very sharp, pointed triangular end. It even gets the redwood roots. I don’t know it’s name, but I love it. Maybe I’ll call it Chip.

  • By Donna H. - Reply

    Hi, I’m not a big time Hoe, but the way the economy is getting I want to become one. More Hoeing around each Spring and Summer.

  • By kate gomperts - Reply

    i am a wannabee organic gardening hoe, love to back porch garden too!

  • By Patti - Reply

    I’m a chillin’ hoe!

  • By Katherine Davis - Reply

    I’m a FlipFloppin Texas hoe. Love to walk into the backyard, breathe in, and melt under the sun while soaking in all this earth provides. That’s the kinda hoe I am.

  • By Elaine - Reply

    I’m for sure a “Traveling Hoe” every opportunity I get.

  • By Julie - Reply

    Like a little bee … I’m a travelin’ hoe!

  • By paula - Reply


  • By tamara - Reply

    Flip Flippin’ Fancy Free Hoe… and I certainly feel that way with nearly every post you put out… in the middle of winter, I am excited about my garden (soon)!!

  • By David Rain - Reply

    Love your cool blog. Thanks for some great ideas.

  • By Edwina - Reply

    One who plants a garden, plants happiness… I am a Happy Hoe! ♥

  • By Barb - Reply

    I love your site and I am a flower hoe!

  • By Toni Tuttle - Reply

    I’m a sporting’ hoe. Thanks for the chance.

  • By Sandi - Reply

    I am a Southern, green thumb hoe! I “dig” gardening.

  • By Sandi Hendrix - Reply

    I am a Southern, green thumb hoe! I “dig” gardening and all your creative

  • By Angela Koehler - Reply

    I guess you can say that I’m kinda a “2nd chance” kinda Hoe! Whether it’s rescuing an injured bird/animal, or something discarded next to a dumpster, I will rehabilitate it, & give it a 2nd chance at life once again!

  • By Anne Green - Reply

    I am a winter hoe. Florida gardening is for winter. In summer we weed a little and harvest what is left, waiting for the hot days to cool and let us garden again.

  • By Ramona Howard - Reply

    I am a hoe who just can’t seem to grow more than weeds. Love your site!

  • By Brittany Stevens - Reply

    Lovin’ your site!! And being I’m from good ol’ Louisiana….. I’m a Country Hoe!!

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  • By Cheryl Ellenburg - Reply

    I am loving all these creative ideas, but I think I am a plant loving, plant buying, plant planting and plant sharing
    hoe. Love your website!!!

    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Thank YOU, Cheryl!

      May all your gardens grow,

  • By LUE - Reply

    I’m a “Thirsty Hoe” always have a bottle of iced water with me at all times. Diggin’ and plantin’ make ya mighty thirsty.

  • By Lydia Stout - Reply

    I am so a flip flopper.

    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Me, too! Thanks Lydia!

      May all your gardens grow,

    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Me, too! Thanks Lydia!

      May all your gardens grow,

  • By Informacje RSS - Reply

    I am absolutely blown away by the quality of the content on this blog. It’s clear that the author puts an incredible amount of effort into researching and writing each post, and the results are truly impressive. I particularly appreciate the author’s commitment to providing balanced and unbiased perspectives on a variety of topics. It’s refreshing to read content that doesn’t try to push a specific agenda or viewpoint. The author’s writing is both informative and engaging, and I always come away with new insights and knowledge. Overall, this blog is an exceptional resource for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge on a variety of subjects.

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