Planting Great Seeds!

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If you walk past a Reaching Higher classroom in Royal Oak, Michigan, it is everything but conventional!  You may hear these words chanted VERY loudly:

I plant great seeds in the corner of my mind,
My seeds are my thoughts, they are the winning kind.
My thoughts help me focus when I am still.
I say yes I can, yes I will.
I am a winner
I will succeed
Because I use my mind to
Plant great seeds!

I once believed seeds were only planted in the soil…until I discovered Reaching Higher. Five years ago I responded to an ad in my local newspaper by Susie Dahlmann, Founder and Executive Director of Reaching Higher.  Susie was recruiting volunteers interested in becoming trained Reaching Higher instructors so I called to express an interest. Since then, I have had the distinct honor and privilege of working with youth from my local middle and high school.  Just like gardening, Reaching Higher strikes an unexplained chord deep in my soul!

Reaching Higher’s unique curriculum is a well-designed nine-session program that is progressive and cutting edge. The thing I love most is that it is love-based.   Hands down, The Beatles were “right on” when they crooned “all we need is love!”

During the eight-week period, two instructors, five mentors and twenty-five students explore uncharted waters and endless possibilities together.  Here’s a brief synopsis:

SESSION 1You Are a Miracle
SESSION 2 – Remembering
SESSION 3 – Managing Stress
SESSION 4 – Purpose In Life-Setting Goals
SESSION 5 – Changing Limiting Beliefs
SESSION 6 – Fear to Freedom
SESSION 7 – Positive Life Choices
SESSION 8 – Happiness Through Giving and Loving
SESSION 9 – Graduation Celebration

So when I am not planting seeds in the soil during the growing season in Michigan, you will more than likely find me and many others planting seeds of love and hope for one another!

Thank you Reaching Higher  for putting the memorable words of The Beatles into action! I am grateful and blessed to be an instructor for this awesome program!

Together we can plant great seeds!   After all, for any of us to to nourish and grow, all WE need is LOVE!

May all your gardens grow,

4 thoughts on “Planting Great Seeds!

  • By Landscape Design - Reply

    It is always an awesome thing to plant seeds (not just in our literal gardens) of positivity into the lives of others. Thanks for sharing this.

    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Thank you so much for reading our post, Kate! Your words are so true!

      May all your gardens grow,

  • By Kathy - Reply

    The kids have a great example in you! Keep planting the seeds!

    • By Jan Bills - Reply

      Thank you, Kathy!

      May all your gardens grow,

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