Category Archives: Family

‘Tis the Season…A Holiday Memory

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

~Eleanor Roosevelt

I patiently waited at the Secretary of State to purchase new plates for another Hoe Mobile. After all, the gardening season is right around the corner! Sitting still is NOT my favorite thing to do, even in winter. However, “down time” has purpose and that rang true today.

Bored stiff, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an adorable older gentleman hunched over the counter looking very forlorn. He resembled my dad who passed away in 2007 – hearing aid, cane, World War II cap, and all! Immediately the flash backs crepted in and so did the lump in my throat.

I vividly recalled escorting my father to the Secretary of State for the last time. His concern and fear that his license may not be renewed plagued him like his ailing disease. I am quite sure he could not bear the thought of losing his independence and never driving again. It broke my heart then and again today. And now, an unfamiliar, unpretentious little old man wore that same look on his face.

The emotions began erupting like a volcano and I fought back the tears. So silly I thought to myself, I am sitting in the Secretary of State office that is jam-packed with people. Please, please, please pass the tests I quietly chanted to myself, as if it might help. Just give him one more chance.

On this very gloomy December day, my sunglasses concealed the sentiment but his toothless smile revealed victory! Thank you little old man for reminding me how much I loved my dad and the true meaning of this very magical holiday season!

May all your gardens grow,


Can’t Never Could!

It matters not that Time has shed
His thawless snow upon your head,
For he maintains, with wondrous art,
Perpetual summer in your heart.

~ William Hamilton Hayne

I vividly recall the message I received from my brother Michael one late afternoon in August 2005.  He sounded so excited that I could barely decipher his words through the phone. All I understood was that he was coming over.  I was not quite sure what to expect… this type of call was not unusual!  Patiently I waited for his arrival because I knew it would be worth it.

Michael’s F150 roared up my driveway like a hurricane!  I watched as he climbed from his truck and walked up embracing a large boulder!  He was a big, strong guy!  I knew immediately it was for my gardens…but something told me there was so much more than what I saw.  He proudly looked down at the heavy object held tightly against his body with ease.  My eyes curiously followed his gaze and there it was, “Jano’s Garden”. Lovingly etched into the hard surface appeared the name he gave me as a baby and continued to call me from that day forward.  I marveled at his skilled ways and wondered how he did it! It was perfect, made especially for me by him! Together we selected the perfect spot for my memorable new garden art.

A lot has changed since that warm day in August and my boulder remains humbly placed under a tree in my gardens. It meant so much then… and even more today. In 2006, Michael passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack at the age of 49.  In so many ways, he was like the boulder in my gardens, he was my rock. We were very close in age and even closer in spirit. We shared a lot growing up and I always admired him…he was a great guy and a wonderful friend.  Michael was my big brother, my protector, my buddy, my pal.  I miss him deeply.

Michael taught me many things through the years but most importantly he taught me the importance of simplicity.  He often reminded me and I can still hear him say, “can’t never could”, which was exactly how he lived his life.

May all your gardens grow!