Tea Time with Haven’s Natural Brew!

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We are SO excited & honored to offer a FANTASTIC Garden Give-Away from Haven’s Natural Brew Tea!

Haven’s Natural Brew Tea conditions the soil so your plants’ root systems can better absorb nutrients needed to build a strong, healthy root base.   Place Haven’s Natural Brew Tea bag in a one to five gallon container filled with water, cover & allow to seep for one to three days.  Then water your plants, it’s that easy!  Use every time you water or at least four times during the growing season.

Want to Play?

Simply leave a comment below & let us know your FAVORITE thing to GROW!

Using a random number generator on November 10th at 12 midnight EST,

ONE lucky GARDENER will receive a special “Tea” package from

Haven’s Natural Brew Tea!

Our WINNER will be announced November 11th at 9:00 a.m. EST!

Good Luck, Friends!

May all your gardens grow,


482 thoughts on “Tea Time with Haven’s Natural Brew!

  • By Laura - Reply

    San Marzano tomatoes!

  • By Heather - Reply

    I love rose bushes…


  • By Sandy - Reply

    I love to grow tomatoes and watch each stage of sizes they grow into.

  • By Sandra Williams - Reply

    Peas, because you can pick them, sit down and eat a few for a snack.

  • By Ann - Reply

    Lots of chive, but will go with basil.

  • By Kim Hayes - Reply

    I love to grow perennials like delphiniums holly hocks, poppies, daisies and black eyed susans becuase they are very forgiving and always come back to me no matter how horrible our soil is or how hot that southern exposure gets!

  • By Debra DeCaro - Reply

    I love tomatoes

  • By Ann - Reply


  • By Jeryl Comeaux - Reply

    My favorite thing is to container garden! If there is a container of any sort I will plant in it. I grow cactus and succulents, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

  • By Celia - Reply

    I love growing drought tolerant perennials.

  • By Paula Kirsch - Reply

    Chocolate Mint

  • By Lorraine - Reply

    Hi there, I love to grow nasturtiums from seed each year – they are such good value! They have climbed up my walls, only cost about £1.00 and are STILL here in November in reds, golds and oranges – amazing!!!

  • By Suezanne Lummus - Reply

    I love to grow Lavender!!!!

  • By Denise - Reply


  • By vickie spencer - Reply

    I love growing basil and other herbs.

  • By Connie - Reply

    I love Blackeyed Susans. They bloom from spring to fall.

  • By Judy - Reply

    What a great idea!!! My newest love is the many varieties of Heuchera. There are so many different foliage colors and characteristics. My forever love is for Hydrangea.

  • By dreama closser - Reply

    I love to grow lavender!

  • By deb - Reply


  • By Ellen Willcox - Reply

    I planted garlic for the first time last season – it was so easy to grow and tasted so good that I planted a bunch more this year!

  • By Rose Belcher - Reply

    I love to grow Coneflowers!!

  • By Darlene Afdahl - Reply

    My favorite thing..only one? Pumpkins! They seem to grow so fast..its like you can almost watch them grow! Before you know..there is that glorious color of fall growing in your garden! Wait hold still..its getting bigger! Did you see it? Then it is so versatile..carve it, decorate with it..and most of all Eating it! Pies, cookies, cakes, muffins, soups..mashed in my potatoes, canning and preserving. Then you can start on the seeds..toasted lightly, but don’t forget to put a few seeds away so you can do it all over again next time!

  • By Connie - Reply

    Rosemary….I enjoy making Herb Vinegar’s from my garden!

  • By Janrenee - Reply

    Tomatoes and cucumbers! Acually anything edible!

  • By Melissa Dotson - Reply


  • By Tammy Lance - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is garden vegetables of all kinds.

  • By Peggy Dwyer - Reply

    I love gardening, Think Gourds are my favorite. Not sure why. lol.

  • By Christi Moeller - Reply

    My FAVORITE plant to grow is the love apple (aka, tomato). It’s not the easiest plant I grow, but definitely my favorite. My most favorite THING (of everything on earth)to grow is my precious daughter.

  • By Paula - Reply

    Flowers of any kind.

  • By Melinda Porter - Reply

    I love to grow lilies

  • By Vicki Saunier - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is tomatoes. Nothing like a beautiful ripe tomato right off the vine!

  • By Betsy Rugen - Reply

    I love to grow roses!

  • By Melissa - Reply

    I love to grow tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce…okay if it will grow for me, I love it!

  • By Debbie - Reply


  • By Debra Sund - Reply

    I love my Lemon Verbena and I am establishing Chokecherry for jam, my mom who is 87 lives with me and misses Minnesota so I sent for some of it to grow here in Washington. I have mostly been switching out to native plants when I can at my place but make little areas for nostalgia and to connect with our roots in more ways than one.

  • By Johnnie Boughner - Reply

    I love growing bee balm and watching the hummingbird that comes every summer to enjoy it.

  • By Brenda pontremoli - Reply

    I love growing flowers. Sunflowers are so cool. Birds pick the seeds right out of the heads. Beauty and bird feeding at the same time 🙂

  • By Char Schrum - Reply

    I love growing vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs! It’s really difficult to narrow it to one thing when I have so many gardens, but I am thrilled with my hibiscus plants, and I really love my rosemary!

  • By Benita Crafton - Reply

    I love growing anything that flowers…the more…the merrier!

  • By Diane Mundell - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is comfrey,,,then blackberries, strawberries, lavender, and the 35 different weeds in my yard, here on the river, that are eatable, and medicinal

  • By Betsy Rugen - Reply

    What do I need to do?

  • By Barbara Gannon - Reply

    I love growing and using my herbs, especially basil, thyme, rosemary and lavender. Although I have many different varieties of herbs growing,

  • By Lori - Reply

    Tomatoes, all kinds of peppers 😉

  • By Char Schrum - Reply

    I love growing vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers! It’s really hard to narrow it down to one thing because I love all my gardens, but I really enjoy my hibiscus plants and I especially love my rosemary!

  • By Debbie - Reply

    It’s not that easy to choose just one since I love about any flower there is. I guess I’ll say Gerber daisies are one of my very favorites. I love to grow them in my flower beds but also love to give them as gifts. They are beautiful flowers!

  • By Marnel Davis Groebner - Reply

    Rhubarb is my favorite thing to grow because I have a great rhubarb coffee cake recipe!

  • By Sally Engle - Reply

    I love all things perennial, especially wildflowers!

  • By lauri - Reply

    sunflowers and herbs

  • By Cindy Brown - Reply

    I LOVE growing Gomphrena globosa — the old fashioned purple. I save the seeds every year and throw them among my perennials. They are huge and still beautiful today on November 3rd in Denver, NC!! I have been growing them for almost 20 years from seed and just adore them!!

  • By Deb Etheridge - Reply

    I love growing mint, putting some in a glass jar of water kept in the fridge reminds my husband of his grandma!

  • By Nancy Theis - Reply

    We grow several kinds of mint in our area. Nothing better than the fresh scent of spearmint & peppermint in the air after a rainstorm!

  • By Jenn - Reply

    I love lilacs, mums, bleeding hearts and lots of other things also. Especially planting with my mom and daughter.

  • By kathy zeller - Reply

    my fav has to be Hostas!

  • By Donna Gibbs - Reply

    My new favorite thing to grow is lavender…the smell is unbelievable even when those beautiful flowers are gone!

  • By Jeanne - Reply

    Snackface Hybrid Pumpkins. The seeds are hulless and absolutely delicious roasted. After boiling in salty water, they roast up light, crispy, almost hollow like biting into crispy air. Kind of like the air bubble in potato chips.
    Plants are more compact than large pumpkin varieties & flesh is good for pie.

  • By Lorraine Valez - Reply

    Peppermint, snapdragons and anything that flowers.

  • By kathy zeller - Reply

    my fav has to be Hostas!guess I’m not smart enough to know what a “captcha code is…” I’ve copied the sill
    y letters 4 times, but it gets rejected…

  • By Jill Duvall - Reply

    My favorite thing to watch grow are my two boys, ages 19 and 23! They have blossomed so much these last few years and it never ceases to amaze me how great they are!

  • By Kathy - Reply

    I just love to grow all plants ,I just love dirt

    I love most all plants ,I really like fall plants.Mums

  • By Ann Stewart - Reply

    I love to grow hydrangeas.

  • By Donna Kerry - Reply

    I have three favorites….Purple Sage, Russian Sage and Lavender!

  • By Billie Jo - Reply

    I love to grow marigolds

  • By Margaret - Reply

    I love to plant and grow Oxalis because they remind me of my IRISH heritage. Pots that I planted are brought inside for the winter so I can enjoy the delicate pink trumpet shaped flowers year round.

  • By jane - Reply

    I love to grow all kinds of herbs. You can use them in so much. Cooking, wellness, facials and much more. I love the way they smell to when you cut for your own purpose.

  • By anita morgan - Reply

    my favorite thing to grow is red and black raspberries. Mmmmmm

  • By pam lemons - Reply

    rosemary it so carefree for me to grow

  • By penny schulz - Reply

    Tomatoes Peppers and Roses!

  • By Cindy Worthley - Reply

    Herbs are my favorite( with flowers a close second)!And nothing is more wonderful to smell than Lemon Verbena!

  • By sherry - Reply

    Tomatoes and hot peppers for homemade salsa, its the best.

  • By Robin Sheffield - Reply

    I love to grow anything and everything in my flower beds and gardens! I just love to play in the dirt!

  • By ruth witte - Reply

    I love flowers

  • By Darlene - Reply


  • By Shelley - Reply

    Basil I couldn’t live without in the summer, but I love to grow everything! Herbs, flowers, vegetables, trees…..everything!

  • By marlie - Reply

    Herbs,herbs and more herbs!!
    Especially BASIL, CILANTRO and THYME …
    I always end up with more Basil than I know what to do with so I share it
    with my friends!
    Oh ~ YUM!!!
    And my “specialty” in pots all around my yard and patio ~ The most lovely and delicate ASPARAGUS FERNS!!! They make me VERY HAPPY.

  • By Randi - Reply

    I love to grow canna lillies..they remind me of my grandmothers garden and the huge ones she use to grow!♥

  • By Lynn Hickman - Reply

    I love to grow all different kinds of tomatoes and more tomatoes!

  • By Sharon - Reply

    herbs vegies and flowers

  • By Eileen - Reply

    I love to grow everything, but so far the only thing I have grown well is “weeds”, lamb’s quarters, amaranth, burdock, thistle, dandelions, and the like. At least they feed us and the chickens, and the guinea pigs, rabbit, rat, etc.

  • By Irene Snyder - Reply

    I love all of our herbaceous peonies, but the two tree peonies we have are our favorites. We have a pink one and a purple one with dinnerplate-size blooms. We haven’t fertilized them with anything other than compost to this point, but I think that they would both appreciate some cow manure tea. The blooms might be even bigger!

  • By sandi - Reply

    I love to grow Lavender and yes, all types of herbs!!!

  • By Della Winskie - Reply

    I love gardening, flowers are one of the beauties! But I guess I would say herbs! They are used for cooking and health remedies too! Chives is the one we use it in many dishes but my favorite is on baked potatoes!

  • By Heather - Reply

    Daffodils! Plant, forget, joyful spring color! And the deer & rabbits leave them alone!

  • By Debbie Martin - Reply

    Since I love growing anything from wild flowers to orchids. hard to choose but have to say roses are my fave thing.

  • By Karen - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is Pansey’s…the dark purple ones.

  • By Anya - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is tomatoes. 🙂

  • By Erika - Reply

    I love growing rhubarb and lavender!

  • By Leena Lanteigne - Reply

    I love growing herbs of all kinds – basil, sage, dill, thyme. Not only do I enjoy them fresh and dried, but I also adore the way they smell when brushed against while I work in the garden! Makes garden chores so much more enjoyable with thier wonderful scents fill the air! Thank you for this opportunity and greata give away! Hugs, Leena

  • By Whitney - Reply

    key limes are nice, cantalopes are fun too 🙂

  • By Beth Sterling - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is everything….. herbs.

  • By Anne - Reply

    I love to grow things all year round! In summer sunflowers, in fall, skybluevine, in winter pansies, and in spring roses. Gardening in FL is a year round treat!

  • By Leanne Sanders - Reply

    any succulent, in odd containers

  • By Dana Ross - Reply

    sunflowers are my favorite, i try to plant something new every year

  • By Barb Hunter - Reply

    I love to grow Brugmansia. A beautiful flower, an incredible nighttime fragrance. Since I am in Michigan a pain in the back because they have to be dug, potted and brought in for the winter

  • By Tina - Reply

    I love to grow fresh herbs. Especially chocolate mint. Yummy this time of year in hot chocolate.

  • By Betty - Reply

    sweet potatoes — the plant itself is decorative and hardy (attracts ants though) and i love to eat the sweet potatoes!

  • By Tawnia - Reply

    Hands down, hydrangeas of any type!

  • By Trish - Reply


  • By Cindy - Reply

    I love growing herbs. It’s fun to rub their leaves and catch a quick scent on your hands.

  • By Diane - Reply

    I like to grow anything that can be eaten. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, whatever there is.

  • By Marni S. - Reply

    I love growing garlic, herbs (my favorites sweet basil and cilantro) and morning glories on my bench trellis!

  • By Loretta Jenson - Reply

    I love growing Sunflowers!!! Not only are they beautiful but, they are very useful. We use the seeds as food not only for ourselves but for birds and squirrels. We also save seed for next years planting. The stocks and leaves are great for composting.

  • By Sandy - Reply

    We love growing various perennials,annuals and garden veggies. Also have an herb garden which I love having, so it is hard to name just one. Love making my own baskets and containers..

  • By Barb Bobik - Reply

    Rosemary – for remembrance. Love everything about it!

  • By Charmane - Reply

    Vegetable garden

  • By mary deaton - Reply

    I love growing banana trees.this year i actually had small bananas on them.i am in north mississippi and actually got my plumeria to bloom this year

  • By Rosemarie - Reply

    Sunflowers! Our goats love them and they are such beautiful plants growing in the garden. Beautiful in the house too!

  • By Anita Berry - Reply

    I love Morning glorys.

  • By Diana - Reply

    Coleus, because it can be rooted so easily. Double knockout roses because they bloom so long and require minimal care.

  • By karen kennedy - Reply

    I recently planted a dwarf blueberry plant so I am really excited about that one. Otherwise there isn’t enough sun for veggies so I grow lots of shade plants!

  • By Helen Rivers - Reply

    Crinums, any color.

  • By Ellen - Reply

    my very much favorite thing to grow is thyme…it smells great always, tastes good, and survives the cold weather 🙂

  • By Chris Noggle - Reply


  • By Jill - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is anything my kids can help with!!! Our ever growing veggie garden this our favorite was purple peppers… Favorite flower/ bush was a purple butterfly bush because we could help the bees and humming birds… Indoor garden would be clilantro!

  • By Judith Griffy - Reply

    Basil and sage

  • By Virginia - Reply


  • By Alexa's mom - Reply

    Since I’m not that great of a gardener, I like to bulbs – especially narcissus and crinum.

  • By charlotte a pardue- sparks - Reply

    I love to grow yellow Tommie toe tomatoes, and peonies….

  • By Renee - Reply

    Morning Glory, there is not a more vibrant blue on the planet!

  • By Patty Moreno - Reply

    I love to groW black stems, DahliaS, peonies, CleMatis, herbs, tomatoes, peppers.

  • By Lady Delores LeBoeuf - Reply

    My most favorite to grow is cilantro…….harvest as you need fresh herbs and/or when it goes to seed use the seeds to plant next spring or use the seeds as coriander for your meals – the aroma is yummie…

  • By Jenny Baldwin - Reply

    I love to grow Eggplant. I love to watch the baby purple fruit grow plump each day. You can literally see them grow over night. Eggplant Parmesan

  • By Debra Duffy - Reply

    Lavender, Lavender, and more Lavender!!!!

  • By Lorelei - Reply

    Black eyed peas, tomato’s, collard greens, squash, basil, cabbage, sweet potatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, okra, herbs, carrots, broccoli, rosemary

    Anything…..but corn….

  • By Carol - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is Lavender…I make so many things with this. I have made cookies, Lavender sugar, Sachets…etc Just love it 🙂

  • By Jennie - Reply

    I love to grow Cherokee Purple Tomatoes. They are so good.

  • By Jennie - Reply

    I love to grow Cherokee Purple Tomatoes. They are so good and sweet.

  • By sandra brown - Reply

    sweet peas! love them

  • By Sybil Landreth - Reply

    Roma tomatoes. I make my own special organic marinara. A friend who runs a restaurant wants to use it. Now I just have to find a way to move to the coast where the restaurant is located! They ( the employees) have promised to fix me a garden there so I can supply locally!

  • By JackiDressler - Reply

    I love flowers! Any flowers . . .

  • By Nita Foute - Reply


  • By Joan Price - Reply

    I love to grow LOVE in the form of flowers, vegetables, herbs and family n friends.

  • By Barbara Sullivan - Reply

    Roses. The only thing I don’t like are their thorns…I always get stabbed!

  • By Errin - Reply


  • By Barbara Sullivan - Reply

    Roses All types and colors

  • By Annette Conley - Reply

    Carnations are my favorite.

  • By Fran. - Reply

    Sunflowers and Herbs!!!

  • By Pat Maitland - Reply

    Gerber Daisy’s are my favorite flower in the whole world!!!!!!

  • By Tina Wobbema - Reply

    Grass, flowers!

  • By Deanna - Reply

    I love to grow pumpkins.

  • By Kristy Barlond - Reply

    Acorn squash my hands down favorite plant.

  • By Dona - Reply

    My favorites: Borage, Comfrey, Echinacea, Bee Balm, and Major Wheeler Honeysuckle. The herbs for their medicinal use, and all of these plants for their beautiful flowers that are so nice to see, and the favorites of hummingbirds and butterflies.

  • By Bluz - Reply

    Winter squash, especially Australian Blue Jarrahdale, North Georgia Candy Roaster, and bottle gourds!

  • By Judi - Reply

    Herbs, herbs inthe garden bed, herbs in containers, herbs in the house…..love me some herbs 🙂

  • By Giny Fitzpatrick - Reply

    Herbs! especially basil and rosemary!

  • By Giny Fitzpatrick - Reply

    Herbs especially basil and rosemary!

  • By Karen - Reply

    Love growing my many herbs but my FAVORITE of them all is rosemary.

  • By amanda wilson - Reply

    i love to grow veggies to flowers its all great!

  • By Cindy G - Reply

    I love to grow green beans. I love to eat green beans.

  • By amanda wilson - Reply

    i love to grow everything from veggies to flowers,its all wonderful!

  • By Sarah Martin - Reply

    I like growing snapdragons…..
    When I was little, I used to “play” with them
    making them “talk”. It amused me– but I remember
    my mom laughing. Now I have 3 girls, and its funny
    to see them do the very same thing I did
    when I was there age :o)

  • By Gloria W - Reply

    Petunias. They come in so many colors, last the whole summer, and wherever you put them they brighten things up.

  • By Dawn Jenkins - Reply

    “Any type of pepper”. My kids love to eat fresh peppers such as the banana pepper and all other peppers are used for seasoning when canning. Peppers also make beautiful plants and decorations.

  • By Jessica - Reply

    My favorite is corn,any heirloom variety! Herbs of all kind to pick fresh and cook with,make tinctures,salves and tea and admire for their beauty.Hard to choose just one favorite thing to grow really when I enjoy them all so much!

  • By Rose Denson - Reply

    Ah, that’s easy. Basil. It comes in so many different kinds, smells divine and my bee’s love it.

  • By Karen - Reply

    Many things, but this year blueberries!

  • By Becky Beasley - Reply

    Gerber Daisies . . . They bloom and bloom and bloom!

  • By Cathy - Reply

    I love to grow coneflowers. There are so many varieties that have very unique shaped leaves, and the plants grow from 6 inches to as tall as 4 feet. Some of the flowers come in two tones, which are my favorite in this variety. Now there are a few varieties that have a lovely scent to them. All the choices to pick from makes is endless in possibilities.

  • By Anna Marie Ming - Reply

    In Texas, it has to be Lantana!

  • By Emily M - Reply


  • By Deb Butler - Reply

    I am learning to grow different herbs and I really enjoy it!

  • By Brend - Reply

    I love Bulbs. All kinds of bulbs !

  • By Carol - Reply

    I love growing anything eatable. Anything that I can preserve and feed my family through the long cold winter. The one thing I very much enjoy is zucchini because I can use it so many different ways.

  • By Vickie Lynn Stone Rineer - Reply

    I love to grow Okra, it doesn’t require much. I love the flower that grows on it .I think it looks like a hibiscus flower.

  • By Merethe - Reply

    I love to grow perennials, if they don’t come up the first year they usually do the next season.

  • By Rebecca - Reply

    Lavender! It’s hardy, flowers for ages, smells like heaven and the bees love it.

  • By Denise Wolff - Reply


  • By Denise Wolff - Reply

    Because they grew by my bedroom window as a child!

  • By Kelley - Reply

    Sunflowers, roses and morning glorys 🙂

  • By Amy - Reply

    It’s a toss-up between tomatoes and rosemary. I love them both so much!

  • By Loretta - Reply

    I love Sweet Williams and Snap Dragons.

  • By Margaret Houghton - Reply

    Summer Savory

  • By Mary Ann - Reply

    Mainly container annuals. Change them up every year and love to see them burst with color when the plants start to mature! Also LOVE snapdragons!!

  • By JoAnn - Reply

    I love to grow different kinds of peonies

  • By fresca - Reply

    bulbs – The miracle of spring gives me hope

  • By Linda Clement - Reply

    Herbs and heritage plants.

  • By Rebecca Rapport - Reply

    My very favorite thing to grow are all kinds of winter greens!

  • By Rose - Reply

    I absolutely adore pumpkins and all curcurbits. I don’t know why, they’re just my favorite! Too bad the squashbugs were heavy this year…. 🙁 🙁

  • By Valerie - Reply

    Perennial flowers. Any.

  • By Sue Stearns - Reply

    Daylilies, all colors, sizes and shapes….love them!

  • By Angela - Reply

    I am always in awe when my lavender starts to bud and the magnificent purple flowers bloom…fragrence of the plant is aromatic and will last over the winter in sachets when dried. Love Lavender.

  • By Lani - Reply

    I love to grow tomatoes, their flavor when home grown is perfection.

  • By Susan Beach - Reply

    I live to grow lavender!

  • By Pam Brown - Reply


  • By sherry - Reply

    I love to watch my garden grow into a magnificent natural wonderland.

  • By Susan Beach - Reply

    I love to grow lavender!

  • By Lorraine Hickman - Reply

    Double hollyhocks and dinnerplate dahlias.

  • By Maire Kelly - Reply

    Herbs, especially basil

  • By sidney - Reply

    I love growing vegetables & herbs. This year’s excitement was cucumbers & lime basil ~~~

  • By Eekany Anderson - Reply

    My favorite is my lemon tree. After visiting Honduras where my friend took fresh leaves from her tree each morning and made sweet tea each morning, I was hooked and determined to have my own. We live in Ohio and it is not easy but “Tree” is getting pretty tall after 3 years and some questionable weather. Someday I will recreate that taste of fresh sweet tea.

  • By Tiffany - Reply

    Mint and Cucumbers…..I adore cucumbers!!!

  • By evelyn smith - Reply

    I like to grow anything that blooms, the flashier the better.

  • By Edith - Reply

    It’s all about the dwarf conifers now!

  • By Mary Hartness - Reply

    I love roses and salad veggies in my flowerbeds..

  • By karen - Reply


  • By Deanne - Reply

    Holly Hocks, I have them everywhere in my gardens. They are so beautiful.

  • By Melissa Gould - Reply

    I love to grow Ginger plants…all varieties!

  • By kim hiney - Reply

    I just love to grow just about anything! I have a huge perennial/veggi garden and several house plants.

  • By Dreama - Reply

    I love to plant anything , trees, flowers , bushes, veggies . 🙂

  • By Maria - Reply

    Thyme is my favorite, just brushing by it leaves a happy, calming scent.

  • By Jane - Reply

    Tomatoes!! Lots of tomatoes! Yellow, pink, red, orange……any type I can get my hands on!

  • By Kathy - Reply

    just retired , and getting into plants !!!!!!!!

  • By Susan Harkins - Reply

    Native wildflowers mostly. 🙂

  • By marie - Reply

    i enjoy growing flowers rs and herbs have all kinds of mints including catnip for our felines have a great stone garden that i have been adding perenial each year

  • By Cathy Kenny - Reply

    Gerberas. Any color, all colors.

  • By Liz Thomas - Reply

    OH, my garden roots are calling for tea…

  • By Patricia Gibbs - Reply

    I love to have tomatoes and basil growing!

  • By Christa Sutherland - Reply

    Morning glories, scarlet runner beans and daisies. 🙂

  • By Debi Mashak - Reply

    Anything and everything, there are no ugly plants or flowers used the correct way. Un fortunately I am very good at growing weeds, those are not my friend.

  • By Karen - Reply

    I love growing any type of flowers. Especially zinnias, cosmos, coneflowers.

  • By Kerry McAnulty - Reply

    My Christmas cactus. Although it only blooms once a year, it’s worth waiting for!

  • By Eric Newman - Reply

    I love to grow everything, but watermelons are my favorite.

  • By sandra - Reply

    Any climbing flower!

  • By Rae - Reply

    I am nearing retirement and my oldest daughter and I are planning to find some property where we could have a sustainable lifestyle. I am experimenting and learning to grow a variety of different things. This is wonderful and I am excited about this soon-to-be new phase of my life.

  • By Connie Wright - Reply

    Tomatoes and Apples in the winter they both inspire memories of summer.

  • By Virginia - Reply

    Herbs – culinary, medicinal, therapeutic, are my passion.

  • By sylena ross - Reply

    Anything and everything. From daylilies to turnips!

  • By Denise Albright - Reply

    Red onions. There is nothing like fresh crisp Red Onions in a salad.

  • By Denise - Reply

    I love to grow trees. To me trees are like an old book, ancient and full of knowledge. It’s the trees that watch the grasses grow, the flowers come and go with every season. They look over the earth, providing shade and shelters along with their nuts, seeds and oils. A tree can live beyond our lifetime and grow with us, protecting us. Every time I see a tree that has fallen I feel like I lost an old friend. They are beautiful and majestic. Growing a tree gives hope, and a deep satisfaction of helping the world in a small way.

  • By Gail VanDenLangenberg - Reply

    Love everything-my plants in the house, flower beds and garden outside-watching them grow

  • By Cathy Huser - Reply

    This past summer was our first vegetable garden. Our favorite was the climbing peas.

  • By Dianna - Reply

    I love tomatoes and any flowering plant that my Hummingbirds like. I can watch Hummers all day long….

  • By Diane Bemus - Reply

    I grow perennials & lot’s of herbs. I like to use horse manure tea.

  • By Linda C - Reply

    I’m into just about everything now that I’m retired. However, my very favorite is my pre-hybrid 50 year old hydrangea with colors ever changing as the season passes.

  • By Debra OToole - Reply

    I love growing a selection of Hot Peppers , a variety of cucumbers and kitchen Herbs

  • By Joann - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is healthy GMO free food for my family. In the dead of winter I love opening a jar of food and knowing exactly where it came from.

  • By Deb - Reply

    I love Impatience.

  • By Carla De Bauche - Reply

    lavender, it is heavenly….

  • By Jessie Sievert - Reply

    I like to try and grow everything, this past season I grew pumpkins and the vines took up almost my entire front yard (I had never grew pumpkins before). The next season I really want to try Spaghetti Squash and Cantaloupe.

  • By Lynn Bontrager - Reply


  • By Anita Stevens - Reply

    I just love growing all flowers Never liked to fool outside ever until one of my friends got me started and now lookout

  • By Debbie - Reply

    Love growing tomatoes, then cucumbers. my mom is 85 and has broken bones in her back 7 times, pelvic and now her shoulder in the last 7 years. Those are her favorite so i really enjoy growing them for her. I love natural things like your tea. or using worm casting. My young granddaughter thinks i raise worms for just fishing. lol she doesn’t understand how great the castings are. Thanks for the great chance to win your wonderful tea.

  • By sue - Reply


  • By Glenda George - Reply

    Picking just one is near to impossible because I love growing a variety of things. Tomatoes homegrown is the best!

  • By Linda Rorie - Reply

    I love to see all seeds go into the soil and begin their journey! As the soil begins to open up a the new little life springs forth, I feel as though I have a new friend! Each tiny bud and leaf excites me! So pleased to meet you! Hello from Mississippi!

  • By Jo Estes - Reply

    Alliums! Love those towering over my other blooms.

  • By Debby W - Reply

    I love to grow all types of flowers. My favorite I must say is Roses!

  • By Lisa Davis - Reply

    Perennials and herbs. Although I do love each new variety of hydrangea that I plant.

  • By Barbara Ann - Reply

    I love growing Sweet Peas for their beautiful scent!

  • By Carol - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is edibles…anything edible from nasturtiums to leeks. I only just harvested the last of the leeks form the garden yesterday since it’s really beginning to be winter here–nights all below freezing, finally. Western Maine Mountain peaks had snow on them this morning! Perfect for a hot cuppa tea! Hope I win.

  • By Tom Mann - Reply

    My favorite would be ornamental peppers. Thanks for the chance at this giveaway, Jan and Annie!

  • By Deborah Kurnes - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow are Iris. My Dad had 37 different colors when he passed away.

  • By Michelle - Reply

    No way to pick ‘1’…
    LOVE to grow perennials, herbs, annuals, veggies, shrubs, trees~
    Growing is miraculous & spectacular in Michigan, every stage of every cycle! Sharing it all, makes it even better~

  • By Ann Demill - Reply

    Lavender, rosemary, sweet peas!

  • By Kimberly - Reply

    I love what ever grows! this year was lots of marigolds and tomatoes

  • By Penelope Warner - Reply

    I would love to try your garden tea. Will it change the colour of my Hydrangeas?

  • By Wanda Ferguson - Reply

    Love to grow tomatoes! Home grown is soo much better also green beans.

  • By Stuart Dickson - Reply

    Garlic , Onions , and Peppers
    nom nom nom
    oops, that’s three 🙂

  • By Valerie Donahue - Reply

    Container gardens – whether they are veggies, herbs, succulents, or flowers.

  • By Lisa Ellis - Reply

    I love perennials and herbs such as feverfew and bee balm with their beautiful blooms!

  • By Lori Pery - Reply

    I love beets. I like them in salads, cooked with butter, pickled and I’ve even used the juice to dye yarn! I love to plant lots of them.

  • By Melanie C - Reply

    I love them all! A few fav’s are Morning Glory, Hibiscus, garlic, strawberries, American Beauty Berry, asparagus & tomato. There is always room for one more in my garden! Yay for compost tea!

  • By Trisha Runyan - Reply

    My favorite plant to grow is lavender, near my rosemary. Lavender is almost an exotic to Texas, although we have learned it does just fine. Now Texans are using lavender to make things from soap to ice cream from lavender.

  • By Louise Yunck - Reply

    Sedums – they are great for stuffing in all my funky containers.

  • By janine - Reply

    All kinds of flowers

  • By Tammy - Reply

    My water plants for my fish in my pond.

  • By Karen Puckey - Reply

    I love to everything I can get my hands on.

  • By Cindy Miner - Reply

    Tulips, Dahlias, Peonies….and many more

  • By Betty Anne G - Reply

    Carrots for a favourite veggie (6 diff varieties ea yr), pansies for a flower because they’re tough.

  • By Lorie Gingerich - Reply

    I love to grow asiatic lillies and hostas.

  • By Cindy Stelton - Reply

    Love growing cucumbers and onions, as well as flowers

  • By Becky Clines - Reply

    I do not have a grean thumb, but my mother had one of the greanest.. She could grow any thing.. In my flower bed today All the plants have lived..Mom would share all her plants.She had a beautiful yard. I think that my plants know that I am not very good at this so they just take it upon themself to survive. They know how sad I would be it they did not make it. My mom lived it Mississippi and I am in Alabama. Her plants are in yards all over the US.So I don’t really have a favorite thing to plant I just have a favorite time of year so I can see my mom again in her plants that have some how made my garden full of color and life. My grand children know that that pretty little iris was once in Mamaws yard in Mississippi.

  • By Cindy Whitton - Reply

    Love them habaneros!

  • By Wanda Watson - Reply

    Hypothetically, I would love to grow pumpkins. I’ve never been successful yet.

  • By Tina Kuykendall - Reply

    Right now sea peas!

  • By Marly - Reply

    I love hydrageas & hostas of any kind..

  • By Janice Tate - Reply

    My sweet husbands favorite thing to grow is radishes !
    He just loves to eat them, but he grows many vegetables
    I prefer the squash, zucchini , spagetti squash us our daughter Megan’s favorite!

  • By Trudy Pearson - Reply

    Pole Beans are the my favorites…. deciding how to string them each year, watching them make their way up the poles….and their delicious too!

  • By Kim McDaniels - Reply

    I love to grow LOVE! It’s been a family tradition to garden and everyone would participate. My daughter also inherited the LOVE of gardening and has even worked at a garden nursery.

  • By Sherrie Hensley - Reply

    I like to grow tomatoes, peppers and strawberries

  • By Cathy Hamilton - Reply

    I love to grow flowers! Tall ones, short ones, fat ones or skinny ones II just love all the color 🙂 And hanging ones too!

  • By Joyce Bach - Reply

    I love to grow anything with flowers -roses, lavender, annuals, perennials- and jalapeno peppers.

  • By Julie Irwin - Reply

    I love growing cold hardy roses. But really, if it’s a long-blooming, low-maintenance perennial that will survive the winters of Chicago, then I’m all in! 🙂

  • By Caroline Ferreri - Reply

    My new favorite thing to grow is okra, beautiful flowers, yummy pods!

  • By Charmaine Brecklin - Reply


  • By Edith Beerda - Reply

    I love to grow any and all kinds of flowers, and I enjoy watching the zucchini grow.

  • By Carolyn - Reply

    I love any thing I can grow – flowers, vegetables and shrubs. I have some herbs growing in the garden, some in the flower bed and some on the kitchen window sill.

    You just have to have nature in your life everyday.

  • By Karen Morton - Reply

    Flowers, with succulants being a very close second! So hard to choose only one!

  • By Lindamarie - Reply

    I love growing Tomatoes, last summer I lost my mind and planted 17 different heritage species. But I will say I had the prettiest salads and side dishes.

  • By Debra Jo Chanady - Reply

    My Favorite plants in my Gardens are the Roses,Black Eyed Susan Vine,Chives,Daylilies,Lavender,Hollyhocks,Tulips,Columbine,Impatiens…..Oh, I guess I Just
    Love them All;)

  • By Jill - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is our plumeria’s and fig tree’s. We live in New England so we try and grow everything we can from citrus trees to cactus. We are even growing dragon fruit.

  • By Marilyn B - Reply

    Heirloom Tomatoes, and all manner of peppers!

  • By kathy fowler - Reply

    I like growing tomatoes, then I can have a mater sandwich.

  • By Patti Ortlieb - Reply

    I absolutely love to grow kale and spinach. So good for you and you can do so much with them, plus when you freeze they require little space.

  • By Bonnie - Reply

    I love growing beautiful, healthy trees, shrubs and grasses, but my passion is perennials there is just an enormous variety to choose from.

  • By Susan Davis - Reply

    I grow heirloom tomatoes in my high tunnel hoop house.

  • By Julie Macdonald - Reply

    I love to grow herbs! and edible weeds!

  • By Becky Hanemaayer - Reply

    I love my perennial plants!! I plant a few more every year & now buy just a few annuals. They’re so easy to care for & it’s nice to divide & share them, too!

  • By Carol Skill - Reply

    Love basil, rosemary — all things herb.

  • By Anna Marie Ming - Reply

    In Texas, it has to be Lantana.

  • By Lynn Thomson - Reply

    I love my Roses! Some I’ve had for 40 years.

  • By Snuffybird - Reply

    I love to grow anything that flowers, especially artichokes!

  • By Wendy Hankins - Reply

    Tomatoes & bell peppers.

  • By Janet Cutler - Reply

    I grow as much as I can for the short season in Ohio. We grow for fresh, organic, and natural foods as we can to better my health. I was diagnosed with MS in 2008. Gardening is the best way for me to get as pure and natural “GOOD FOODS” as I can, canning and freezing is what I do so I can enjoy the goodness of fresh garden fruits and vegetables. This is what I had this year, zucchini,broccoli,spinach,romaine,green leaf,tomatoes,green beans, yellow squash,acorn squash,cabbage,cucumbers,chives,parsley, cilantro,red and green peppers,sweet potatoes and corn. Then I bought peaches from the Amish for canning. 🙂

  • By Cindy Toner - Reply

    I love my perennial plants but I also enjoy planting lots of annuals each year. I think my favorites are my tulips because they are a sign that spring is here and time to plant again.

  • By Lane - Reply

    I love all plants! Tomato, basil, dill, zinnias, sunflowers. I could go on….

  • By Kate M. - Reply

    Most definately it would be garlic.

  • By Cheryle - Reply

    all vegetables that i can get to grow from seed. Every new baby plant excites me!

  • By Marian Schlecht - Reply

    Celberty Tomatoes

  • By Marian Schlecht - Reply

    Love gardening. This past summer was a bet trying with the drough.

  • By Shelley D - Reply

    Any kind of herb, vegee or flower. Because they were the most successful, this year’s favorites would have to be basil, tomatoes, figs and radishes.

  • By Paula DiMattio - Reply

    I love my herb garden , nothing like fresh cuttings to cook with all summer and gathering them up and drying them for use in the winter months my favorite is Rosemary .

  • By Sandra Dornick - Reply

    I love the collection of ideas that you have assembled. So many wonderful and talented gardeners around it’s inspiring.

  • By lynette irizarry - Reply

    I love to plant perennials and trying to grow lavender!
    And Texas lantana.

  • By Barbara Staab - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is Kale. It will grow throughout all seasons here in the Seattle area – especially does well in the fall and winter.

  • By Melanie Eddy - Reply

    I love growing anything, trying new things all the time….just love to get my hands in the soil and watching things grow, work out the challenges and then reap the results….it’s what helps me relax and I so enjoy communing with nature.

  • By Sandra Taylor - Reply


  • By Linda Norton - Reply

    I love houseplants best. I love watching them grow and decorating my house with all different types of both flowering and greenery plants.

  • By Linda - Reply

    I love houseplants best. I love decorating with them, both flowering and non-flowering. They bring a bit of nature indoors.

  • By Pam Bird - Reply

    I love to grow various herbs among perennials. Lemon Balm, Lavendar, Oregano, Basil and more. Inhaling the pungent smells of herbs with the sweet smells of flower blooms is so therapeutic.

  • By Maryjo - Reply

    Anything that blooms 🙂

  • By Jai Roberts - Reply

    I use your tea to folio feed my garden mixes with worm casting juice it is omniscient!

  • By Dolores Sucholbiak - Reply

    I love planting perrenials in my butterfly garden>>>>it is the most rewarding thing to see different species visit and stay to lay their larvae.

  • By Debbie Unrein - Reply

    we love to grow peas and we have our 4 year old grand daughter planting them and we love to just pick and eat them right off the vines

  • By Sandra Woodhouse - Reply

    What do I grow? love!

  • By pat coyle - Reply

    one of my favorites is my Christmas cactus that bloom about 4 times a year…it’s budding up now.

    In my outdoor garden has many favorites. One is an Iris with pale lavender bloom and green and white striped leaves.

  • By Kara M - Reply


  • By Maria I - Reply

    I love growing any plant that is fragrant…jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender!

  • By Lea Star - Reply

    To eat: My favorite thing to grow: heirloom tomatoes. A plate full of colorful sliced maters in various shades of reds and yellows- so juicy yummy! And for flowers: Zinnias! They jazz up my gardens and I love how they look in antique blue fruit jars throughout our old farmhouse!

  • By Peggy Arnold - Reply

    I’ve only grown flowers & a garden for 3 years now. I am amazed watching them grow & produce food & beautiful flowers. I should say all things I love to grow.

  • By Cindy Grimes - Reply

    I love growing heirloom amarillas from my Nanny’s yard that she first planted in 1932 when they bought the family farm. I love sharing the bulbs with family and friends as they multiply and giving a little piece of my Nanny to everyone! They make a wonderful housewarming gift with a card explaining what a wonderful Christian lady she was and now their home has some of her love.

  • By Lee - Reply

    I love to grow a salsa garden. Tomatos, onions, cilantro, jalepenos, peppers (every color).

  • By Linda Rogers - Reply

    Can I mention two? Tomatoes and basil (and all perennials).

  • By Tina - Reply

    Lavender <3

  • By Barbara Watson - Reply

    Anything that attracts Butterflies!!!!!! Love ‘EM!!

  • By colleen natarelli - Reply

    I love to grow lavender for it’s wonderful smell and roma tomatoes to make home made pasta sauce!

  • By Amanda Irby - Reply

    I love to grow all kinds of flowers and vegetables!

  • By Robin Carlson - Reply

    Having moved from Zone 3 to Zone 4 two years ago I’ve found some really wonderful new favorites for my garden. However I have to say that the butterfly bush is the one I enjoy the most. There is nothing as beautiful as a garden full of butterflies!

  • By chris Wenzel - Reply

    Any thing that will grow except weeds!

  • By Susan Sutton - Reply

    I Enjoy planting a few things. My Flowers in general as with grapes. Rose Bushes are my favorite.

  • By Bren Ferris - Reply

    If I must choose just one thing, it would be flowers, all varieties, which includes flowering shrubs and trees.

  • By Debbie Wiseman - Reply

    jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender

  • By Diane - Reply

    without question my favorite thing to grow is my grandchildren, especially the little grandsons, who love the dirt and dont seem to mind a little cow manure, lol all boys, wouldnt change them

  • By Juliet - Reply


  • By Cat Allen - Reply

    I love love love to grow herbs! I have a Simon and Garfunkel garden where I grow parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. 😉

  • By Debi - Reply

    I love Moonflowers!!!!!!

  • By Debi - Reply

    I love Moonflowers!!

  • By Terry O - Reply

    I love growing flowers, but my favorite is pansies!!

  • By Kenda Carbary - Reply

    I Love to grow flowers,any type, all seasons if possible. My favorites of late are Lantani, they provide vibrant color all summer long, and withstand just about any conditions!

  • By Joyce Sykes - Reply

    Rattlesnake Beans

  • By Sharon A - Reply

    Sunflowers! 🙂

  • By robbin - Reply

    I love to grow our truck garden for the road side stand. We grow all kinds of thing

  • By Sandy Abell - Reply

    I love to grow perennials and I throw in a few herbs and tomato plants!

  • By robbin - Reply

    I love growing things on our family farm

  • By lemon balm - Reply

    lemon balm is so carefree to grow and its benefits are unlimited!

  • By Kimmy W - Reply


  • By Pam Alford - Reply

    I really love growing all things but if I had to pick it would be Cantaloupes and my Tangerine Hibiscus.

  • By Marie Eatman - Reply

    Herbs! They smell so wonderful while growing and are great to cook with!

  • By Suzanne - Reply

    Love to grow all things plants (and some shrubs)!! My favs for 2012 were yellow Smoke Bush, Cherry Lemonade Coreopsis, some great low growing sedums, and some fabulous new heucheras.

  • By Rochelle - Reply

    Jalapenos! 🙂

  • By John Bailey - Reply

    Any type of peppers!

  • By Hillary - Reply


  • By Gail - Reply

    kale…so much from such a little seed. Yum!

  • By Vickie Heard - Reply

    Fav. thing to grow would have to be black eyed susan’s, so bright and cheerful 🙂

  • By Kathleen Smith - Reply

    I love to grow pumpkins!

  • By Jean - Reply

    Love to grow Zucchini it grows so fast and there are so many ways to use it. As soon as it starts to grow a small zucchini it’s like over night, and you have them ready to eat.

  • By ruth witte - Reply

    I love to grow panzies and tomatoes.

  • By Michelle - Reply

    I love to grow columbine

  • By diana lerch - Reply

    I love growing tropical looking plants in Ohio. Bananas and elephant ears are just a few

  • By joanne mcleay - Reply

    I love growing peppermint and anise for my own tea!

  • By Harriette B. - Reply

    I enjoy my peaches, figs, iris and anything else I can plant and enjoy. It has to tolerate our Texas heat.

  • By Peggy Hedden Eiland - Reply

    Tomatoes for eating,canning,salsa,juice,relishes etc.

  • By Marlene - Reply

    Lavender and Lemon Balm. Next year adding Chamomile!

  • By Laina Valent - Reply

    I love growing Marigolds……they are so colorful and hearty! I get soooo many seeds from them to replant and share that I never have to buy them again!

  • By June Preston See - Reply

    I’ve from Georgia but now live in Pennsylvania ~ Hydrangeas!!

    • By June Preston See - Reply

      Oops! “I’m .. “

  • By Peggy - Reply

    If I have to pick just one: Tomatoes!

  • By Janie Bishop - Reply

    I live in an area of Central Oregon in the high desert where the soil is very poor. I have worked hard “building” my garden soil. Because it can hit the freezing mark virtually any day of the year, root crops as well as many prennials do very well. My favorite is the delphinium. I also enjoy growing all the herbs and lavenders. I enjoy making herb vinegars, rubs, butters, oils, foot and bath salts. I enjoy teaching others about the value of good soil and teaching “Gardening 101” to encourage others that they too can grow a garden in Central Oregon.

  • By Chris Alkire - Reply

    I love to grow fucscias!

  • By Kathy - Reply

    A cane begonia my mom gave me about 30 years ago. It’s the only thing I haven’t killed.

  • By sue vespremi - Reply

    My favorite thing to grow is plumerias!

  • By Cheryl Van Horn - Reply

    I love bee balm for all its properties: attracts hummingbirds, an herb, easy to grow, beautiful as well.

  • By Kim Burkhart - Reply

    Christmas cactusi. I one from each one my Grandmothers.

  • By Julia Jackson - Reply

    Money! (and in the plant kingdom – Freesias). 🙂

  • By Sheila - Reply

    Today, I love to grow peppers. and nasturtiums (which are peppery) 🙂

  • By Beverly Tarr - Reply

    Corn is my favorite

  • By Nancy Cone - Reply

    This year I planted a new vegetable –Kale and have enjoyed harvesting the plant. Have used it in many dishes and will be all winter. It is a very healthy to eat!

  • By Christina Woolston - Reply

    I love to grow green beans. Garden green beans during the winter are just the best ever.

  • By Brigitte Baxter - Reply

    crepe myrtles

  • By Tina Miller - Reply

    Zuccini is my favorite!

  • By Cheryl Knepper - Reply

    I grew broccoli for the first time this year, it is wonderful watching it grow!

  • By Jennie B - Reply

    I’m not sure I have ONE favorite thing in the garden. but my favorite things are generally the easiest things to grow. this year i grew asters for the first time and was enchanted when they began blooming this fall. so i planted yet another aster.

  • By Marlene Conger - Reply

    Favorite thing to grow……….giant sunflowers, nothing better

  • By Sandra Baca - Reply

    I love to grow tomatoes.

  • By Debbie McMurry - Reply

    I love to grow ALL flowers and veggies. It is my summer and therapy.
    Happy Gardening!

  • By Julie McMurchie - Reply

    Food! I love to grow food. Especially artichokes – the perfect food in my opinion. Now if we could only grow butter…

  • By Rose Eskridge - Reply

    I love to grow anything that can be ate, smelled, looked at, for human or animals! Praise God for dirt, seeds, water, & warm sunny days!

  • By Deb - Reply

    I love growing Bee Balm.

  • By kathy - Reply

    strawberries & watching my Jacob’s ladder grow!

  • By Carla - Reply

    My food!

  • By yvonne blauvelt - Reply

    I love to plant anything that smells: carnations, roses, marigolds, lilies, garlic, tomatoes, sage, thyme (especially creeping thyme that I brush as I walk), southwood, chives, curry plant, daffodils, hyacinths, lemon balm, borage. The list is endless so luckily I have acres to plant.

  • By Sue Givens - Reply

    My favorites to grow are tomatoes and cucumbers.

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