Despite the frigid Michigan zone 5b temperatures, gardening lives on 365 days a year in my world even when I am indoors!
Greeted with a cold gush of air in the dead of winter, can you imagine how delighted I was to discover The Little Acre™ ?!?
Here’s what I love about The Little Acre™: It is truly so simple and convenient to set up. It has multiple uses and appeals to a very large audience! So perfectly designed to engage and encourage growing!
Follow these simple steps to start gardening:
1. Unfold the bag, set it in a sunny place, fill it with 10-11 cubic feet of soil/compost combo
2. Plant your favorite veggies, herbs, berries and flowers – seeds or plants
3. Water!
Yep, it’s that easy. For me, it is perfect for growing herbs! Until spring arrives and warmer temperatures, I will patiently wait and develop my planting strategies!
May all your gardens grow,