Category Archives: Wildlife

Deer and wildlife

The wonders of nature

How much is that deer in the window?

Oh deer, I saw this picture on social media and had to share it with you! I do not know who the photographer is or where it originated.

All I know is I want to feed this sweet girl. I hope she is happy, healthy, and safe.

A Wise Old Owl

Today’s Headlines!

Internet Falls in Love With Tiny Owl Taking Shelter From the Rain Under a Mushroom. 

(Photo Credit: Tanja Brandt/Facebook)

I would say this little guy is a wise old owl, wouldn’t you?

I fall in love with Mother Nature over and over again.

Wildlife preservation

Wildlife preservation

Wildlife preservation

DID YOU KNOW? HERBICIDES used on lawns take a terrible toll on wildlife. More than seven million wild BIRDS are estimated to die annually due to the use of lawn pesticides. Thirty million acres of the U.S. are lawns, and an estimated 80 million pounds of pesticides are used on them annually. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reports that “homeowners use up to ten times more chemical pesticides per acre on their lawns than farmers use on crops.” ~Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

Bees Please!

According to the USDA: “Honeybees pollinate 80 percent of our flowering crops, which constitute one-third of everything we eat. Many plants are entirely dependent on particular kinds of bees for their reproduction.”

May all your gardens grow,

A Furry Trip Down Memory Lane

 “…he will be our friend for always and always and always.”

~ Rudyard Kipling

As you know, Facebook is a great forum to meet and share with wonderful people all over the world!   For me, it is also a charming place to enjoy the quirky, unpredictable antics of many furry, good-natured friends.  It is with much honor and delight to introduce a few cyber furry buddies that have shared tons of unconditional love, joy and delight in 2011!

Hammy Mellinesquirrel


Weebles DaSquirrel

Flopsy Parker (RIP)

Steven Eugenesquirrel

Skippy Sheeskin

Edgar the White Squirrel

Thanks to all the Humans behind the fur…you are sincerely loved, too!  Beautiful Flopsy Parker, thank  you for the memories, you will be deeply missed.  x0x0

May all your gardens grow,

Garden Quote

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment,
while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished
by that circumstance that I should have been
by any epaulet I could have worn.

~Henry David Thoreau

May all your gardens grow!